Anyone else play the band in the morning before work?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Aug 15, 2004
Minnesota, USA
Just had When I Look At The World and The Unforgettable Fire earlier, and now the title track to Zooropa is wrapping up before I head out. I think I'm ready to attack Friday now. :)
fortunately, I can play them at work..

actually, I think it's high time for some Achtung Baby :drool:
I normally play the All I Want Is You - Streets - Mysterious Ways segment from Slane Castle on my way to work on Monday morning :D
I occasionally listen to 'Love Rescue Me' in the mornings. Most people hate that song, but I've always had a soft spot for it.
Sometimes when I know it's going to be a long day I listen a bit on my juke during my morning break or if I get to work early. Was really into New York, with my head back and eyes closed yesterday morning, until my supervisor tapped me on the knee because she needed to get to the computer I was sitting at. It was a tad embarrassing but she felt really bad for disturbing me.

I play U2 a lot in the car on the way to work (and home).
Here lately I've been having my U2 playlist on my iPod on shuffle in my car on the way to/from work. When I work the morning shift hearing something like Elevation or Streets really gets my blood pumping.
Listened to Artificial Horizon on the way to work yesteday...had to crank the "Crazy" remix twice. Have also been listening to Pop and whatever is on my MP3 player as well.:hyper:
A little story..I was leaving work one day and pulled up behind a car with a license plate that had 333...(and then 3 letters). I remember Bono talking about that number popping up randomly here and there, so I just thought it was a cool. It made me smile, then as I continued on my long drive home on the freeway and then as I made my way around this residental area with my Ipod on shuffle ( all songs not just U2 songs) guess what song came on? Unknown Caller, but the weird thing was just as Bono was singing the line "3:33 when numbers fell off the clockface", I looked over to the side of the road and saw a very small mailbox in a jumble of many others with 333 on it just waiting for me to look at it.
I never noticed it before, becasue it was very unremarkable and kinda hard to see.
Isn't that cool? Well I think it was. the car with the plate was telling me to pay attention I guess...!
The universe/God was winking at me! Love it!
I listen to U2 before work or in the car on my way to work. It's the best way to start the day.
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