What was the stupidest thing you ever did when you were a kid?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Nov 10, 2000
Me, I crawled into an oven when i was 2 years old. Thank God my mom didnt preheat the oven.

you've got to cry without weeping, talk without speaking, scream without raising your voice..
Wow...so hard to pick one...

One time, I wanted to get my My Little Pony gumball machine off of the top of my TV. My TV was on top of my dresser, I pulled out my bottom dresser drawer to stand on it. I was jumping up and down on it to try to reach my gumball machine, and the dresser fell over on top of me, and the TV fell on my head. To top it off, my gumball machine broke. Curses!

"Frisbetarians believe that when they die their soul goes up on the roof, and they can't get it down."

Bonochick's Place
Originally posted by nellie:
Me, I crawled into an oven when i was 2 years old. Thank God my mom didnt preheat the oven.

Eh, I thought I'd be helpful when my parents were re-bricking the back patio and all the new bricks were in piles in the front. My parents were using a shopping cart to haul the bricks back and forth and had left the full cart of bricks in the gutter to roll up into the driveway.

You can guess what happens next.

I decided to try pushing the shopping cart up the driveway all by myself (eight years old was a big girl to me and I could do it all by myself, so there.). Instead, the shopping cart and its entire contents tipped over onto me, pinning me to the ground.


I've never seen my dad run so fast in my whole life.

Thankfully, nothing was broken. I just got to sit in my dad's favorite chair with an ice pack on my leg for the rest of the afteroon. heh.

I jumped off a bathroom sink at school when I was in 1st grade because this evil girl dared me to. We both liked the same boy so of course wanting to be a bad ass I did it.

I got bruised and cut up pretty bad.
Neither of us got the boy, but he was kinda my date for Halloween when I was Wonder Woman and he was Luke Skywalker. Ah, young love.

Bend me, break me
Anyway you need me
All I want is you
I fibbed to my Mum one day pretending I was sick so I could stay home from school.
I then had to come with her and my little brother to playgroup.
A kid threw a cricket bat out of a cubby house and stupid me was standing below waiting for it to hit me on the head. It did and split my head open. I had stitches and then passed out in the doctor's surgery.

So yeah, faking illness gets you nowhere.

Engaged to a Rockstar
Originally posted by Bonochick:
Wow...so hard to pick one...

One time, I wanted to get my My Little Pony gumball machine off of the top of my TV. My TV was on top of my dresser, I pulled out my bottom dresser drawer to stand on it. I was jumping up and down on it to try to reach my gumball machine, and the dresser fell over on top of me, and the TV fell on my head. To top it off, my gumball machine broke. Curses!

Is anyone else suprised that bandcampchick is still alive? Judging by all of your stories, I think you have used both Whisker's and your nine lives. Careful BCC!
I was confused by and scared of phones when I was little, for whatever reason. Once, my friend across the street phoned to ask if I could come and play, or something. I said I'd ask my mom...and hung up the phone.

See the bird with the leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colours came out
When I was 4, my parents bought me a Superman costume for Halloween.

Well, I thought I could actually fly. So I put the cape on, and jumped off the couch. Unfortunately, I didn't fly. I ended crashing into the wall and busting my head open.

The real sad part of this story is that I haven't grown up at all since then. I still do stupid shit all the time.
I was a smart kid.....

I played in the coal bunker.......
Thats about it

OH i did something naughty once..i cut out dolls dresses from paper on her bed and when she went 2 bed that nite there were little dresses cut out in her duvet....whoooops (i just asked & she said that was the naughtiest ting i ever did) i was a good kid!
i know there has to be more of you out there who did stupid things when you were kids. spit it out!!
Fine, I'll share another story.

One time, my dad was working on some landscaping and stuff around the house, so he pulled the front porch away from the house (our front door was "elevated" about 3 feet from the ground...hehe...). So he told us to not go out the front door.

Guess who went running...with scissors...full speed out the front door about 15 minutes later and fell onto the cement sidewalk????


"Frisbetarians believe that when they die their soul goes up on the roof, and they can't get it down."

Bonochick's Place
Um. Once I decided I wanted a broken arm. So I kept jumping off the otto bin. I broke nothing, not understanding that humans have a built in propensity to land like a cat from a height of about 4 feet.
I also once decided I wanted to do my 1st handstand. I never planned things in advance and just went ahead and did it. Years of ballet gave me great balance, so I'm 'standing' there on my hands for about 5 minutes too scared to drop down to stand up again.
Again, I decided once that I could do one of those backflips where you keep your feet on the ground and go over backwards til your hands touch the ground behind you. I stayed in that position for about 5 mins too scared I would get hurt if I dropped to the ground.
Once when I was about 5, I went to the newsagent with mum. She left me wandering the stationery to do something. She comes back to find me browsing through People magazine. I was apparently fascinated by the size of the boobs on the cover. Much to the amusement of the shoppers in there.
My sister once told me she could pull my toe off. Intelligent me sticks her foot out, she pulls and pulls, and it popped out of something, leaving me with a swollen big toe for a week.
I once decided while visiting my aunt that I could play with her particularly cantankerous Arab stallion. He spooked, I spooked, and took off to the neighbouring property, right into the pig enclosure. The sow spooked, about 25 kazillion piglets spooked, and I landed arse up in a very large puddle of sticky mud which they had been lounging in.
Same holiday with my aunt, I decided to see what it felt like standing on her extremely large bull ant nest on the driveway.
seven years old you figure a kid is slightly past the stage of absolutely, positively never take your eyes off of them, right?

my dad: don't touch the barbeque kobay
me: ok
*dad turns back. i touch extremely hot barbeque
me: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

[This message has been edited by kobayashi (edited 05-10-2002).]
Originally posted by Hewson:
Originally posted by LarryMullen's_POPAngel:
Wonder Woman and Luke Skywalker. Ah, young love.

Imagine the offspring of that union!!

They'd be pretty damn cute!!! (Well, as long as Luke looked like the boy I liked. He had dark hair and these big brown eyes...*swoons* LOL)

Bend me, break me
Anyway you need me
All I want is you
When I was maybe 12, my sister and decided to take apart and reassemble my bike (don't ask why cause I don't know) I'm talking the whole bike, handle bars, tires, chain, chain guard, seat, we even took the inner tubes out of the tires. We ended up with a bike frame and a whole bunch of bike parts laying on the ground. We put it back together as best as 10 and 12 year old girls can and decided to ride it down the BIG hill that led to the main road by our Grandmother's house.

My sister was on the handle bars and I was riding the bike when about halfway down the hill, the chain flew off. I had no pedal power, therefore, no brakes. Then the handle bars that my sister was sitting on started to rotate, which meant no front wheel control. The seat slammed down and the back wheel started to wobble. I must not have tightened any of the bolts because the whole bike started to come apart.

We both started to scream and I put the toes of my shoes down on the asphalt hoping to drag the bike to a stop because we were headed for a busy rural highway and didn't want to get splattered by a car. My plan was to ride the bike off the side of road before we got to the bottom but I managed to stop it just short of the highway.

We both started to cry and I looked down at my feet to see that I had worn down the rubber on the my brand new slip-on Vans completely away and could see my toes. We got in trouble not only for ruining my new shoes but almost getting ourselves killed.

We were cleaning out my Grandmother's tool shed after my Grandpa passed away a few years ago, and that damn bike was buried in the back of the shed, all rusty and covered with spider webs but it still made me laugh to think about my near death experience.
Oh, and then there was the time when I was 5 and invited the next door neighbor girl, also 5, over to play on my Slip and Slide. I found what I thought was a container of water in my Grandpa's garage and wet the Slip and Slide with it. It smelled funny but kept playing and had a good time slipping and sliding.

A few hours later her mom came over to tell my Grandmother that her daughter had broken out in welts all over her stomach and legs. When they investigated what I had used on the Slip and Slide, it turned out to be paint thinner. Why didn't I just use the water hose like a normal kid? I can't answer that.

[This message has been edited by Bono's American Wife (edited 05-10-2002).]
*got covered in creosote around 7

*made friends with a few neighbour wasps down at the bottom of the garden when I was 9, decided with a few friends the best course of action would be to shove a hose pipe down into the nest and give em a good flush out..luckily something inside informed us it would be best to make a run for it

*other various moments involving bike stunts, unstable sheds, home-made see saws over stinging nettle growth, and a couple of Dobermans..only vivid memories I have..childhood was fun..
In general.....I remember being obsessed with bandaids. I'd wear band aids all over even if I wasn't hurt.....o_O


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"Rock n Roll never tasted so good" ~Bono
Get on the Boos

Burn down the disco* Hang the blessed D.J.*
Because the music that they constantly play

I am just for you, as you are not for me ~Pete Yorn

[This message has been edited by WildHonee (edited 05-10-2002).]

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