U2 Backstage Band MGMT passes

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Apr 25, 2005
I've started collecting backstage passes from previous U2 concerts (MGMT Guest, band Guest working crew etc..etc) mostly Elevation & PopMart.. and would like to get some feedback on the types of band passes people have seen during the vertigo show.. or any insight on the differances between M-VIP, S-VIP, T-VIP etc.. and it appears some of these items literally change every night.. while others stay the same I am not as interested in the "local crew" working patches as I am the laminated items.. if you happen to be at any of the concerts.. keep your eyes open & let me know what you see..

Vertigo 2005 band passes

I was at the Seattle Show and here's what I noticed, Dallas and the stage crew had laminated passes that said "vertigo 2005" across the top vertical browish /red/gold lines running horizontal through the middle.. then a photo of the indivual and the letters U2 in gold.. thier was also a hologram in the upper right corner.. this pass would have been very difficult to make a copy of..as I was walking along I saw one guy wearing a laminated circular badge with black & gold strips with the lettters U2 in gold.. another guy had a light blue badge that simply said U2 vertigo "mgmt guest"


it appears as if "yellow" is dressing room crew" green is construction crew tears stuff down... Red & cream color shirts .. I have no clue on.. and I've seen grey as well.. I've started an online archive of all U2 concert passes (focusing in on the rare one's from elevation 2001 and popmart) let me know if others are interested in helping out

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McGuinness had a pass that was blue and black stripes. I think that pass may be a one of a kind. I noticed Rocco's and Dallas's actually have their pictures in the pass - for the full tour.

I only have working crew pass for 11/03/92 in Vancouver. There all generic, used for the full tour, and just have 11/3 written in jiffy marker.


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