The Palin Quote Generator

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I'm ill about the position that America is in, and whether that is part of the solution or not of the evil in the world.
At the same time, these central fronts on the war on terror — we have got to have all options out there on the table.
It's very important when you consider even to make sure that an eye is being kept on have provided me a lot of perspective on the world.

These are great!

"As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?"

"As Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where– where do they go? It’s Alaska. It's just right over the border."

"That's exactly what we're going to do in a Palin and McCain administration."

They're hilarious!

Oh wait...

"I see our country being able to represent those things to make sure that an eye is being kept on those terrorists who would seek to destroy America and our allies."
:laugh: This is awesome!

"With his warnings two years ago about on a much more local level that will be our top priority is to defend the American people."
But no, the Pakistani people whether that is part of the solution or not — that's more than a lot of other senators and representatives did for us.

I found another great Palin quote generator!

"Oh, I think they’re just not used to someone coming in from the outside saying you know what? It’s time that normal Joe six-pack American is finally represented in the position of vice presidency, and I think that that’s kind of taken some people off guard, and they’re out of sorts, and they’re ticked off about it, but it’s motivation for John McCain and I to work that much harder to make sure that our ticket is victorious, and we put government back on the side of the people of Joe six-pack like me, and we start doing those things that are expected of our government, and we get rid of corruption, and we commit to the reform that is not only desired, but is deserved by Americans. "

"And I have the acknowledgement and the experience of going through what America is going through. "

"Ironic too, Hugh, that some would consider my position on life and trying to usher in a culture of life, respecting the sanctity of life in America, that that is seen as an extreme position when to me, an extreme position is one that Barack Obama took when he was in the Illinois State Senate, not even supporting a measure that would ban partial birth abortion, not even supporting a measure that would during, after a botched abortion and that baby’s born alive, allowing medical care to cease and allowing that baby to die. That to me is extreme."
"But what you’re talking about, I think, value here, what my position is on homosexuality and you can pray it away, because I think that was the title that was listed on that bulletin."

WHAT THE FUCK. (another real one)

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