it's official # I'm buying over the border

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War Child
Sep 20, 2002
an island paradise
I'm getting my prescription from Canada now, a three month supply for thirds the cost of what I'd pay here. I'd like to buy American, but I'd rather not support the commercial enterprises that make so many drugs too expensive to afford. Commercials on TV, for instance. :mad:
Well, one these days America will be a civilized country and we'll have health care for all, not just those who can afford it. :yes:
But we're not there yet. :(
Sorry, I wasn't trying to introduce some big controversy. Just whenever I hear people talking about prescription costs I'm grateful for our NHS because there would be no way I could afford the medications I need to stay healthy if I had to pay for them myself. :(
nbcrusader said:
America will have health care coverage for all as soon as we give up our desire for choice in everything.

That assumes that we had "choice" to begin with. From an ideological point-of-view, "choice" is an illusion. What do the competitors have to offer that is truly different? There are few industries that I would argue offer true choice.

In the realm of health care, we don't have choice--we either get what our employers give us or most of us don't have it at all--and the insurance companies are far from competitive. For example, Claritin goes non-prescription, and, one-by-one, most of the insurance companies now either won't cover its prescription competitors or have raised the deductible for them. Nevermind that Claritin still amounts to around $1.00 a pill for the 12-hour dosage.

Anyhow, I think this is mutating into an FYM-style thread. :angry:

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i hope you know it's illegal to import drugs from canada. right now they're just going after pharmacies that are doing it, but who knows when they'll start going after the individuals.
this is the thread gone horribly wrong police

Illegal?I filled out six pages af paperwork and a medical history, signed a release, sent a photo copy of the prescription. My doctor suggested it when I told him my drug had doubled in price overnight.
It's not like I'm buying narcotics.
Its only illegal if its a drug that was manufactured in the U.S., distributed to Canada and "reimported" back to the US. The FDA has all but admitted they aren't going to do much to stop it.

And its not illegal if you get a prescription from a Canadian doctor, which you can do by sending him/her your basic medical history and a copy of your American prescription.

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