IO# I fish-taled my car today

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intr.v. fish?tailed, fish?tail?ing, fish?tails
To have the rear end of a forward-moving vehicle swerve from side to side out of control: The truck fishtailed on the icy road.
To swing the tail of an airplane from side to side in order to reduce speed.

intr.v. hy?dro?planed, hy?dro?plan?ing, hy?dro?planes
To drive or ride in a hydroplane.

To skim along on the surface of the water.
To be or go out of control by skimming along the surface of a wet road. Used of a motor vehicle.

i think they're both pretty much the same thing :shrug:
ABEL said:
intr.v. fish?tailed, fish?tail?ing, fish?tails
To have the rear end of a forward-moving vehicle swerve from side to side out of control

That's what I said :cool:
We call that aqua planing.

It is not technically the same as skidding, fishtailing or any other though, as unless you have ABS with 4WD is it hard to correct and the whole car spins out.


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