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lol...i was going to say.."this doesn't sound like chris martin!"

I know this version exists...wonder why it's so difficult to find??
It's superior to the original.
does NO ONE have this version?

*sigh* I need a Chris Martin fix.

It's really odd because it's the only version I've heard on the radio, and yet...I can't find it anywhere!
Justified said:
this version is playing all the time here in Atlanta on 99x. www.99x.com. and from what I understand, this version is not on available on the Streets cd. :down:

Is it on a single then, or is it just a promotional? It would be a shame if there isnt some type of official release.
i don't think it's going to get released. it was supposed to be on the streets album but for some reason was scrapped last minute. it's on the radio all the time and it's an awesome song. they'd be crazy not to release it.
seriously, does anyone have the version with chris martin? i've looked all over the place and can't find it

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