(08-02-2005) Download Neil McCormick's New Song -- Interference.com*

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Apr 17, 2002
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Download Neil McCormick's New Song

As reported earlier on Interference.com, Telegraph writer, author, musician and U2 friend Neil McCormick has written a song in response to last month's bombings in London. The single, "People I Don't Know Are Trying to Kill Me," is now available as a download, with profits benefitting the bombing's victims.

To download the song and watch a video created by McCormick's boys visit http://www.peoplearetryingtokillme.com/.
I'm loving the subtlety........

good idea, poor execution, and i'm usually not a very critical person.

but it was a nice thought...boy am i glad u2 didn't record this..whew!

should get alot of support because the message is generally a good one. At least Niel is doing something about it.
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