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  1. Fangorn

    U2: Zooropa Album Review - Pitchfork

    I usually hate Pitchfork, but this was surprisingly a really good read! Zooropa is by far one of my favourite albums of all time.
  2. Fangorn

    What is the LAST song you heard? Part 2

    Do you Feel Loved - U2
  3. Fangorn

    Next Album Rumours Thread II - Songs of Ass Scent

    I wouldn't be surprised if it was Apple's decision to be honest.
  4. Fangorn

    Next Album Rumours Thread II - Songs of Ass Scent

    That's definitely true. I wish he'd come back.
  5. Fangorn

    Next Album Rumours Thread II - Songs of Ass Scent

    Unfortunately I think you're right and it's sad. I miss the U2 of old.
  6. Fangorn

    Hello from Ontario, Canada

    Hey I'm also from Ontario. Just moved to Ottawa from Toronto though!
  7. Fangorn

    Next Album Rumours Thread II - Songs of Ass Scent

    I agree with you. It's expensive and most definitely exlusionary. Plus, people would just pirate it anyway, so it wouldn't really work.
  8. Fangorn

    B&C's 2020 Albums of the Year Thread

    I'm also not digging this year's music either. I did enjoy the new Doves album though.
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