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  1. Dwight Schrute

    Post your scenic photos

    Some of these pictures are really great, but others not so much.
  2. Dwight Schrute

    PETA Urges Ben & Jerry's To Use Human Milk

    perhaps I could take Peta a bit more seriously if they didn't use tactics that are out of the Westboro Baptist Church playbook.
  3. Dwight Schrute

    White Collar Anguish

    I had to walk from one building to another in sweltering heat and started sweating profusely. Um, hello I went to college so I didn't have to sweat at work like most slobs out there.
  4. Dwight Schrute

    A New Chapter for

    Fact: The new color should be beet red.
  5. Dwight Schrute

    IO Poor Comma Usage Abounds

    Does anyone here know how to properly use a comma? Ex: Shut the hell up, asshole. Why on earth would anyone think this is the proper way to use it? Lets step it up and use the proper grammar.
  6. Dwight Schrute

    Grey's Anatomy

    All of these episodes were written before the strike. The strike also doesn't explain the craptasticness of this show all of last season too. It's time to mercy kill this show before it can get any worse. It's like Angela's cat, time to be put out of it's misery and into the freezer.
  7. Dwight Schrute

    spice things up

    It doesn't matter what is being shaved. How is the act of shaving a turn on? Being shaved is a legit turn on. Shaving - not so much.
  8. Dwight Schrute

    spice things up

    getting her to shave you? um, shaving is about as unhot as it can possibly get. Would having someone shave your legs for you turn you on? :yuck:
  9. Dwight Schrute

    American Girls' Suicide Rates At Highest Level In 15 Years

    Teenage girls could start being nicer to one another, that would probably help out an awful lot. There are many teenage girls that are just downright evil bitches in what they say and do to other girls.
  10. Dwight Schrute

    If you could live in any part of the World where would you live?

    Why on earth would you want to live near the Jersey Shore? I've seen True Life: Summer at the Jersey Shore it ain't pretty unless you like wifebeaters and cheetos.
  11. Dwight Schrute

    Grey's Anatomy

    This show is a epic trainwreck. It went from being a quality, witty show to one of absolute horrid crap.
  12. Dwight Schrute

    Am I spoiled?

    Especially since you apparently have a poor relationship with your mother.
  13. Dwight Schrute

    Office Space vs. The Office (US)

    This is the worst question in the history of questions.
  14. Dwight Schrute

    Lindsay Lohan busted for DUI

    I'm going to give her a spanking that she won't soon forget.
  15. Dwight Schrute

    Grey's Anatomy, Season Three - Part 2

    Fact: Addison was practicing medicine in a state where she was not licensed and registered. Fact: Addison should lose her license on the grounds on misconduct. Fact: This show has officially gone down the shitter.
  16. Dwight Schrute

    Inside Broadcast V

    it amazes me how riled up people get over stuff that he says, it's an internet message board, not a debate tournament. Stir the pot! STIR THE POT!!!
  17. Dwight Schrute

    Dosent this make you want to be a Criminal in Austria??

    who'd want to be rehabilitated if you were living in there? looks like a spa and a whole lot nicer than most people live.
  18. Dwight Schrute

    American Idol 6 - Part 2

    On the contrary, it gets funnier every single week. I don't think we can discount the power of Indian voters either. They do account for at least 1/6 of the world's population.
  19. Dwight Schrute

    American Idol 6 - Part 2

    Sanjaya = Esqueleto
  20. Dwight Schrute

    Gore on the Rocks

    Oh no, Al Gore is an alarmist! That must mean that there's no such thing as global warming (even though we have no scientific data to back that statement up)! Lets just carry on with our wasteful ways. :|
  21. Dwight Schrute

    Rental/Roommate Issues

    Jessica should slash Amber's tires and then punch her in the face.
  22. Dwight Schrute

    24: Day 6 - Part 2

    Is Audrey's death even going to be relevant to the plot or is it the writers trying to get another "oh my gosh" moment from the audience. Same goes for Logan's stabbing. How is it related to the plot or are we just getting cheap filler this season? I keep waiting for things to pick up, but they...
  23. Dwight Schrute

    That's so gay.

    Re: Re: That's so gay. if the Super Bowl can be gay, then so can a debate.
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