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  1. D

    Criminal Background Checks For Prom Dates

    Wow..thats appalling. High School prom, some of the happiests memories you will ever have, down the drain just like that. And for Pot possession? Give me a break.
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    Just for fun...another political test

    hehe....most of the threads in FYM seem to have VERY leftist responses. Im not too surprised with the quiz results. cheers, Aaron:huh:
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    Just for fun...another political test

    You are a Social Liberal (63% permissive) and an... Economic Conservative (70% permissive) You are best described as a: Libertarian You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. loc: (49, 74) Nothing I didn't know before.... Good quiz!
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    tried to kiss a white girl

    :rolleyes: Thank you!
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    Does Bono even understand how philosophical he can be?

    Bono was no revolutionary for saying this. The idea has been known since the dawn of time that in order to co-exist , we must understand one another and accept each others differences.
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    "A symbol of our freedom and independence"

    Its nice.. but I think something much more modest should have been placed there. IMO...9/11 was a serving of humble pie. It made the US realise that they are in fact vulnerable. A notion that was considered ludicrous before. Something like a small commemorative park or something that 100...
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    Some Parents Angry About "Gay Fairy Tale" Book In School

    I think the bigger issue is that they are arguing with the PUBLIC school system. They fail to understand that a government funded institution must represent all demographics. Had it been a catholic school or privately funded religious school, they may have had grounds to protest.
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    Wal-Mart- Good or Evil?

    Quite frankly, Wal-mart is offering a good product at a cheap price. You can argue that 'mom and pop' stores are getting wiped out. But thats the nature of the game. If you can guarantee a product for cheaper and have it readily available, you will get the business. If a 'm&p' store is in...
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    So, how good musicians are they? Also, Bono's voice question for singers

    My thoughts on the original thread title... Bono, spectacular voice, especially once it was 'tamed' (Post- war album) Edge: Not the most talented guitarist in terms of speed, versatility , usage of the fret board etc... But arguably one of the most creative, his use of delays and reverbs still...
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    Let's hear your own versions of WTSHNN..

    Im pretty much a newb at computer recording. But how do you record on to your computer? Do you hook your amp to your computer somehow? I think I've perfected WTSHNN, I'd love to show you guys but i have no means of recording.
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    does anyone have a SBS backing patch?

    hey all, im looking for a SBS backing patch to play guitar to. The one U2 site i know with patches has the link down for sbs. help is appreciated
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    Let's hear your own versions of WTSHNN..

    Wow thats impressive guys! How long are the delays you guys run? Im running 350milliseconds and it feels a bit short. (Maybe my playing style?)
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    Let's hear your own versions of WTSHNN..

    hey all, I'm trying to get this song perfected. Does anyone have any versions they personally did? I'd love to hear them. cheers, Aaron
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    FYM Moderating

    Does a Care Bear facade like this one ensue everytime a moderator is elected? I dont think i've ever seen everyone so happy. :drool:
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    The Evil in This World

    Should that be the case, where did we get the notion that a selfish action is wrong? Or from another perspective, why do we 'feel' that it is right to help someone in a lesser situation that we are in?
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    So Canadians, has Harper been everything we've hoped for?

    How come it wasn't such an issue when Stronach and Brison switched? Harper, getting Emerson to switch was superb move for the party. They quieted down one of the strongest liberal supporters in a strong liberal core.
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    Reason I ask was i read this little bit earlier on and it provoked a few thoughts... "Why will gay marriage set the table for polygamy? Because there is no place to stop once that Rubicon has been crossed. Historically, the definition of marriage...
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    Does anyone think that polygamy is right given that each member of the 'family' loves each other as much as say in an ideal hetero/ homo relationship? If there is nothing morally wrong with homosexuality, shouldn't polygamy be legalized too?
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    Ask the Homo

    Bump. A good read this one is..
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    Thoughts on Paul McCartney's criticism of the Atlantic Canadian seal hunt?

    I felt this comic was appropriate... beware the moral highground.
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    I need a good WOWY Guitar tab

    Hey all, Ive been trying to perfect WOWY, but i havent been able to find a detailed tab thats accurate for the finer bits toward the end of the song. Could anyone help me out?
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    Question about the bass on songs

    Bingo. That throbbing sound is the bass in WOWY.
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    Epiphone Les Paul vs Fender Telecaster

    Hey all, I'm looking at buying a new guitar, and i've narrowed down to an epiphone les paul and the fender telecaster (mexican). Which one is the better quality and more versatile guitar. Id be coming from a squier stratocaster. help is appreciated.
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    Question about the bass on songs

    Bass carries the song. Its the 'feelgood' component of the song. It also can hold melody. check out: When two hearts beat as one. You hear the electric guitar first, and then the bass comes in and rocks your socks off. cheers, Aaron
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    Question about the bass on songs

    Ok, check out WTSHNN, you'll hear the organs at the beginning, the electric guitar will then come in (that 'tinky tinky' sound) and then at 1min 10 seconds the bass kicks in. Its that 'heavy' sounding rhythm.
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