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  1. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    General observations First: someone, somewhere here in this forum (I forgot), asked me if I consider if I might be wrong about all that things. My answer is: yes, I have done that. When this happens, I seek God's orientation, through the ilumination of the Holy Spirit in God's Word, in prayer...
  2. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    For Melon Leviticus 18 clearly talks about sexuality, or illicit sexual practices that is detestable for God, as it's said in the text, in more than one verse of this chapter (in fact, all the chapter if I'm not wrong), and not about idolatry. In Romans, St. Paul relates it to idolatry because...
  3. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    After almost two long hard work days, without time even to get lunch properly, and after some thinking, let me finally end my participation in this discussion. For the gay people I'll do now a resume of my ideas the way I tried to put them here: I don't hate you, I don't want to harm you, I...
  4. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    Back again. I've told you why they exist posts ago. Man, I'll sleep now, it's more than 9 PM here in Brazil, and I really tired. I don't hate you, but I don't respect you. Even so, good night.
  5. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    Yes and no. Yes, sleeping with a prostitute is not the biblical idea of morality. No, It helps. God reproved the pagan pratices because, in other things, there was homosexuality in them, and, another example, bestiality.
  6. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    That's the reason we were "dead in our sins", and Jesus died for us, as I explained posts ago.
  7. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    Everything you've just said about "God knows who's a christian", I said posts ago. And everything you've just said about Catholicism and me, I say the same thing about Calvinism, and for you, Melon.
  8. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    Yes, and He gave the Man to the Woman, and the Woman to the Man, despite of its religion, race or name (Genesis 2.24).
  9. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    No, I don't hate him at all. It's not hate: it's opposition of ideas, non-recognition of his biblical knowledge, distrust, and a level of indifference: my disrespect. Inside the Church, I cannot, and will not, be silent before him, as Jesus, the prophets, and apostles and reformists did before...
  10. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    Sometimes I think you manipulate my words, distorting them. I don't hate you. I don't want to see your bad. I don't want you to die or similar things. I apologize if I passed this image to you. I simply don't respect you, with your ideas, and people like you, inside the Church, I'll oppose. If...
  11. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    No, I won't, because the Bible does not teach it. Racism is a crime. Homosexuality is not a crime, but God reproves it (got it now????). But with people like you, inside the Church, I will disagree, won't respect, and fight (verbally, only verbally), because of my faith and love in Jesus and his...
  12. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    No. I respect him because he's not like you, who knows the Bible and use your (personal hebrew, for example) knowledge to divide the Church, leading it to accept this. As Caifas, who might recognize Jesus as the Messiah instead of killing him, because he was the great priest (? = I don't know...
  13. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    No, and you have a little problem in understanding my logic (or bible's logic). The condemnation should sweep only to the gang who raped and killed the concubine, and not all heterosexual men, like happened there, and Judges shows as the wrong thing that happened. Yes. In rape, orgies...
  14. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    And another thing: "judge" is not always about "sentence". "Judge" can be reasoning, understanding of something. I'm not blind. I see the world, I comprehend it, I analyse it and conclude about it. That's the "right" judgement the Bible accepts, performed by the prophets, apostles and Jesus...
  15. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    Yes, I like very much. Including this passages of the same apostle Paul, in the same book: "Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and...
  16. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    Yes, I really know you people love in respect each other, and more, you have your moral, and you deserve respect. I simply want to show that not always what we considered as "good" it's what God considered as "good" and "ok". For example: we can practice justice because God is Just (we are His...
  17. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: U2 and Sexuality I cannot search here in this forum (I don't know why!!!), so if you put the link for me, I'd appreciate that. :) Nonetheless, I study myself hard the Bible since I was a child (and I'm an adult now), read and study a lot, and I already know these...
  18. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    Re: Re: Re: Re: U2 and Sexuality Well, I disagree with that, and associations like MOSES (in Brazil, acronym for "moviment for the healthy sexuality") and some others churchs too. In fact, also the Bible, because if it's a sin, like the Bible shows it is, it can be cured by the healing love of...
  19. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    Re: Re: U2 and Sexuality Yes, Christ would indeed reach out to discriminated people, and in fact have done that. But He did that not only to accept them but in fact to cure these people, spiritually or physically speaking, when it was needed to do so, as (greatly) proved in Bible. Thanks for...
  20. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    Chapter and page from the book? Thanks ;)
  21. C

    U2 and Sexuality

    How Bono, and/or the band, considering their christian faith (or more likely christian moral), faces the homosexuality issue? Do (or did) they support gay rights moviments? Does "One" video give glimpses about their opinion about that? Thanks.
  22. C

    Until the end of the world (Elevation Tour)

    You know... I always thought you english and american guys understood what he was saying. I'm brazillian, and I've my difficulties in conversation.
  23. C

    The First Time--I threw away the key

    I think there's not. I've already read somewhere Bono saying that this music is about someone losing his faith.
  24. C

    Should I buy "Religious Nuts, Political Fanatics: U2 in Theological Perspective" ?

    Should I buy "Religious Nuts, Political Fanatics: U2 in Theological Perspective" ? Any thoughts?
  25. C

    Until the end of the world (Elevation Tour)

    I took them from
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