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  1. J

    Recommend an Album by Posting a Song

    It can be a bit overwhelming sometimes to try and find new bands to listen to each year. Even just looking through the best of 2013 thread, I have no idea where to start. And people's tastes vary so much, that a simple verbal recommendation might not translate to an enjoyable listen. I...
  2. J

    Dino Thread

    In the interest of diversifying threads and of spreading geekdom throughout, I'm creating a thread for dinosaur discoveries. Just came across this one and think it's pretty spectacular This 300 ft Wall in Bolivia has over 5000 Dinosaur Footprints ?TwistedSifter
  3. J

    Can the USA Sustain Its 3 Current Wars?

    With its economy in the tank and its government seemingly unable to come to any agreements, are the USA's 3 current wars destined to fail? Even in the best of situations, a 3 front war is difficult to maintain. It seems to me in today's climate, this is neither fiscally nor politically...
  4. J

    The Frightfully Ghoulish Halloween Spooktacular Thread 2013

    Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead (Original) - YouTube
  5. J

    Migrating iTunes Library from a Dead Mac

    My Macbook died the other week, so I bought a new one a few days ago. The Target Disk Mode was still working on the old one, so I manually transferred all the music from the old one to the new one, then added all the songs to the library in iTunes. The only problem now is when I attach my...
  6. J

    Life on Earth May Have Began on Mars

    Interesting new research that suggests life as we know it might have had its beginnings on Mars. Still a lot of speculation, but interesting none the less. BBC News - Earth life 'may have come from Mars'
  7. J

    Gary the Goat Wins Court Battle to Eat Grass in Sydney

    I'm not sure why the lame-stream media is ignoring this.
  8. J

    Nature and Wildlife

    I have no idea how this thread will go. I imagine it will probably be quickly buried, but realized we don't really have a general thread for this kinda thing. Just wanted to share this video of a baby orangutan being born. Amazing. I've seen various other kinds of mammals give birth, but...
  9. J

    Science and Religion

    Figured we should take it out the Fox thread if we want anyone else to find our discussions and join in. This thread is to discuss science that is directly intertwined with religion in some sense (evolution, cosmology, theoretical physics, morality, free will, etc). Post papers, videos, blogs...
  10. J

    THE most trusted news source IN america part TWO

    I will take you up on this, but on another night. I'm not sure my opinion on Jesus will change (as my current opinion on Jesus is that, as he has been presented to us, he's a pretty solid dude). But that doesn't speak to the historical fact or provenance of the bible or the stories within...
  11. J

    Slightly Less Funny Things From the Internet Thread

    Isn't it so human like? I love the way he slightly adjusts his posture in anticipation of scaring them. How can anyone look at that and not recognize there's some serious higher level thinking going on there.
  12. J

    A decade of Indifference

  13. J

    Jesus Christ Reborn in Australia

    Looks like Jesus Christ might've been reborn in Kingaroy, Australia. Former IT Specialist Claims To Be Jesus Reborn Pretty exciting news
  14. J

    Bioshock Infinite. Infinite Fun. Infinite Discussion. Infinite Boners Over the Game.

    Because Ashley is being all passive aggressive and whatnot.
  15. J

    RIP Ray Harryhausen

    Sad day for creatures :(
  16. J

    The Religion of Peace?

    Interesting new study illustrating religious attitudes in Muslim countries. Most notably, the percentage that support the death penalty for apostasy. I can't help but roll my eyes when people trot out the old "Most Muslims feel the same way about Islamic fundamentalists and Christians do about...
  17. J

    Anatomy for Beginners

    Just discovered this show on Netflix UK (Via my handy dandy remote IP address) called Anatomy for Beginners. Have any of you watched it? It's one of the most engaging programs on human anatomy I've ever seen. The 'star' of the show is Gunther Von Hagens, who many of you might be familiar with...
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    Probably one of the clearest and highest definition photos of the surface of Mars you've see. Mars Gigapixel Panorama - Curiosity rover: Martian solar days 136-149 Some guy stitched together nearly 300 images from Curiosity to make it
  19. J

    Anybody seen Richie?

    I'm gonna keep comin back until somebody remembers seein Richie
  20. J

    Super High Res Photography of First Underwater Nuclear Detonation

    1946 at Bikini Atoll
  21. J

    Hey, you want to get creeped the fuck out?
  22. J

    Pure, uneducated ignorance. Go religion!

    Making It Illegal To Fail Science Students Who Argue Humans Co-Existed With Dinosaurs | TechCrunch This is partly where the hostility comes from. The world would be a better place if these people sealed themselves in oil drums and were pushed into the deepest part of the sea
  23. J

    One of the greatest comets in Human history coming this year!

    In a bit of a personal effort to add some variation to the threads here, I've decided not to use the Science thread anymore. I don't see any reason why such disparate topics should be ghettoized in one thread. I encourage anyone else coming with interesting science news to do the same. It was...
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