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    Trade: Rattle & Hum for PSP for live CD

    I have misplaced my Zoo TV live CD from the fan club membership and I'm friggen pissed. So, I have a brand new NIW Rattle and Hum movie for PSP that I'm looking to trade for a live bootleg or copy of the Zoo TV cd. Can anyone help me out?
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    Vertigo missed classic band entrance

    I kinda missed the classic band entrance on this tour. What I mean is, for Elevation the band entered arena with lights on, for Pop Mart they came in from the opposite end of the stadium with lights on, for the arena Zoo TV tour Bono came on stage alone with the lights on, even as far back as...
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    U2 Vertigo Tour - Postponed (General Discussion/Info)

    U2 love their fans I know alot of people are disappointed about their plans & money spent on travel and tickets for the cancelled shows, including myself. We got a year of U2, and some of 2006, Edge's daughter has been ill for most of last year and they STILL toured and returned twice to the...
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    What if I bought tickets from a member?

    Will Ticketmaster refund your cash with tickets only, or is a receipt necessary? I'll probably contact the Interference member here who I purchased the tickets from, but if anyone knows the policy with refunds, some 411 would be great.
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    Will the final show be the best?

    I've never been to a final tour show, but I'm hoping the last show in Hawaii will be the best set, crowd reaction, etc. to date. Anyone been to a last tour show that can share their experience? I'm hoping they play some rare Vertigo tour songs (Out of Control, All I Want...), and bring an extra...
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    Anybody get Hawaii tix yet?

    Am wondering on the seating per price, anyone purchase the $50 upper level seats, where are these located?
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    Las Vegas Count Down Thread

    Can I get a roll call, who's going and what are your plans before, during and after the show. I guess most Vegas attendees will be at the Interference pre-show and the after hours at McMillans. If you want to get away from the insane after show crowd at the MGM, try the Monte Carlo Brewery at...
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    MERGED--> ALL Damian Marley Discussion Here

    How was Damian Marley? Any reviews of his performance?
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    Selling tickets internationally

    I need some feed back from you all, I placed an ad in a local trade paper to sell some U2 tickets here in L.A. (face value of course), and I've had many responses via email, but they all seem to be from different parts of the world (Brazil, UK. etc.). They all claim to have shipping agents, they...
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    Las Vegas Room Rate Thread

    I'm sure some of us, I'm one of them, are still looking for an affordable room in Vegas the weekend of Nov. 4-5. Prices are really high this weekend, due to conventions and I'm sure the U2 shows. If some of you can share your rates and locations for this weekend, maybe some of us can find a...
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    Are they selling vintage shirts again?

    Anyone know if the vintage shirts are selling at the shows again, if so please share which tour shirts are selling and how much. Thanks in advance.
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    Any new merchandise for 3rd leg?

    Does anyone have a link to share on the shirts/posters for the 3rd leg. Any new shirts, are the vintage shirts on sale again?
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    Still no opener for west coast?

    L.A., Vegas, Oakland...we've been shut out so far. Most of the rumored acts have been annouced, hopefully the west coast will get a nice surprise. Anyone have rumors to share?
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    ETS Tours - Vegas

    FYI - I went into the ETS website for the Vegas show, which I am attending, they are booking rooms at Paris for $210 per night. It's the going rate for that weekend around the strip, actually $210 is less than Paris is booking rooms on their own web site, they have rooms for $250 a night. The...
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    Killers to open in Vegas?

    I was in Vegas this weekend, the local radio DJ had played a Killers song, and followed with some commentary about the band, plus said the Killers would end their year doing some shows with U2 in early November. Did anyone else hear this ?
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    Who has bought tix from this site?

    Or any U2 fan site really, I know the rules are to sell at face value and after looking at the ticket request forum, I noticed most requests are for "tickets wanted", selling singles or trades. Not too many pair seats for most US shows, not like Ebay at least. Anyone ever buy a pair of seats at...
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    Who bought the vintage tour shirts?

    I stayed away from these shirts, I wasn't about to pay $50 for a T shirt. But looking at the tour shirts on the U2 web site, I see the Unforgettable Fire tour shirt. I didn't see this shirt at the shows I attended, Anahiem and L.A., did anyone see this shirt at their show? I loved this shirt...
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    3rd leg next month - still no opening act

    I've been checking back here a few times a week, hoping to hear something about the opening act, I'm a bit surprised they haven't announced anything. I'm starting to think that it may be a popular band, like No Doubt from the last tour. I'm calling out the Killers, at least for the Vegas shows...
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    Cell phone MP3 tones?

    Does anyone know of a good site with many U2 real tones for cell phones. Please supply link if possible. Thanks.
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    Has anyone ordered the U2 catalog for Ipod

    I know, wrong forum. Anyway, before this gets moved, has anyone bought the catalog for the ipod? How much is it, before the $50 ipod coupon? What does it have besides, albums.
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    3rd leg opening act should be big!

    If I remember correctly, during Joshue Tree 1st leg, they had a lesser known band (forget the name, tip of my tongue) and returned in the fall with the Pretenders (who was big at the time). Zoo TV started with the Pixies (not so big at the time) and returned in the fall with Public Enemy and...
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    U2 fans bitch too much!

    Maybe not all, but some bitch way too much about getting tickets, not getting tickets, ga lines, lottery, membership. It's getting a little annoying, especially since I enjoy reading the positive threads. I tried going to other U2 fan sites and they're as bad, ticket prices too high, no ga's...
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    Confused about Vegas pricing

    I have an offer to trade my side stage seats, section L18, which cost me $99 each for seats in L205 and these are $200 seats. I checked the MGM map and my L18 are next to the stage, maybe a bit to the side but still...right there. Why would they price seats in the top section at $200? Dosen't...
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    Anyone get Vegas tix via MGM?

    I bought tix for the show via MGM phone line, pretty easily actually, but they don't mail out the tickets, will call only. It's OK I guess, if you're in Vegas or don't plan to trade or sell the tickets. But since I'm in L.A. and I may trade these, I have to wait until I make a Vegas run, which...
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    Is there a Nov.5th show in Vegas?

    Have they announced this show yet, maybe some fan club members can help me out? I know they previously reported Nov. 4th & 5th, but the 5th is not on Ticketmaster yet and the MGM does not know about the 5th, as of today.
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