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  1. sallycinnamon78

    What on earth is going on here?!

    :shocked: This article is a couple of months old, but I've only just seen it recently and felt the need to ask you folks what you make of it. Have you heard of this psychological disorder before? Woman 'married' to Berlin Wall for 29 years - Telegraph This bit from Mrs Berlin Wall's website had...
  2. sallycinnamon78

    The UK LiveEarth event... I gotta ask...

    Anyone else wish that someone would drop Spinal Tap's mini-Stonehenge on Madonna's head?
  3. sallycinnamon78

    Breaking News part II: For God's sake, this is getting ridiculous.

    Has anyone seen the news? There's been an attack on Scotland's Glasgow Airport which is now evacuated and closed. There were gas cannisters/molotov cocktails in the car; 4 people have been arrested.
  4. sallycinnamon78

    Was this news readers revolt against the farce that is "celebrity" justified?

    Was this news readers revolt against the farce that is "celebrity" justified? First off, I apologise if this has been posted before: Finally! Some one is making a stand against these over indulged wasters! Or am I mistaken, and this newsreader is...
  5. sallycinnamon78

    Breaking news: Have you heard about the bomb in London this morning?? News coming in on this right now... police got to the 'device' in time thank God. It was, unsurprisingly, found in one of the busiest part of Central London. Piccadilly Circus has been shut down and various areas are shut off, including Leicester...
  6. sallycinnamon78

    Does anyone else find this more than a little disturbing??

    The first paragraph is VERY tame in comparison to what follows, so please bear with me. Read this bit and then look at the picture link and you'll see what I mean... Now, be brave. Go look: Then, 'Will' ordered corsets for her while she was pregnant:
  7. sallycinnamon78

    Blue... green... how did people mishear this so badly?

    How did people mishear this so badly? This song. The chorus goes "I'm blue, da ba dee da da dee da ba dee da da". Many people I know misheard it as "I'm blur, if I was green I'd die, if I was green I would die". I just pointed out to them that the...
  8. sallycinnamon78

    AARRRGH!! What a line-up! Could this be the most HIDEOUS looking band ever??

    This has to be seen to be believed. Could Exile be the most freakish looking band in the entire history of music - including Slipknot? I think this is a great song, but the video??! Christ on a bike, it is enough to give you nightmares. :eek: The...
  9. sallycinnamon78

    Superiority complexes and internet forums in general

    This is a long one I'm afraid, and what's worse, I am on my soapbox. Disclaimer / arsesaver: This is not aimed at any specific person, and I'm not just talking about here, but in most internet forums I've seen. I just want to find out what anti-newbie nonsense is about, because I cannot...
  10. sallycinnamon78

    Bizarre kids names?

    Is it fair to give a kid a ridiculous name? If not - or if so, for that matter- how do you define 'ridiculous'? My friend wants to call his daughter Tinkerbell. He doesn't want to call her Tinkerbell as a nickname. He wants it to be her actual first name, officially. Poor little thing. Her...
  11. sallycinnamon78

    MERGED ----> Bono criticising the church

    Bono criticising the church Firstly, apologies if this has been posted earlier: I did search the forum, but couldn't find any mention of it. I found this story online about 5 mins ago. I won't post the whole thing, just the jist of it and the link: I'm assuming this refers to B's 2nd Feb...
  12. sallycinnamon78

    I've heard it all now...

    Hi old forumpals! :wave: It's been a while! Okay. I know. I shouldn't get wound up by fools trying to stir trouble... but this thread, at another forum I occasionally post in, made me feel rather sick. it reminded me why I haven't posted there for a long time...
  13. sallycinnamon78

    Short film...

    [This is an old gem... I did search the forum to see if there had been any mention of it earlier, but had no luck.] I saw 'More' again today, having watched it for the first time back in 1999. It was arty animation about an old inventor, which won a ton of awards. I recall some people not...
  14. sallycinnamon78

    Said the bishop to the curate looking for a parish...

    "Rudeness in today's church can afflict the highest, such as the bishop who told a curate looking for a parish: "You have to ask yourself who would want you at your age?", to a vicar's wife. Who said to a woman who had just lost her new-born child: "Maddening, isn't it?" " Well. :madspit: Anyone?
  15. sallycinnamon78


    Have a look at this: I'm not too sure about all this hoohah. The guy who made this joke could have been more tasteful, obviously. To cut a long story short, I think he was making fun of residents of Boise and Boston who are too dense to pronounce Kiwanuka's name properly. It doesn't seem (to...
  16. sallycinnamon78

    The 'new' UK universities...

    Back in 1992, the UK government recognised that higher education needed to be made more accessible (as it still does today). The supposed solution was to turn the polytechnics into new universities. Before I go any further, I'd like to say that in my opinion, everyone should have the...
  17. sallycinnamon78

    Separated at Birth (part 319)

    I present... Johnny Rotten and Psycho the Kitten. Can you tell them apart?
  18. sallycinnamon78

    The real airlines!

    Having escaped intact from the FYM wrestling match tonight, I thought it was time for some cheerful, pointless nonsense. So. Airline related acronyms, past and present. What do they really stand for? (I may have done this before, but never mind.) Let's have a look... DHL Damaged, Hidden or...
  19. sallycinnamon78

    We're burning...

    4 miles down the road from where I currently live... SIXTY MILLION GALLONS of fuel, merrily burning away. Smoke several thousand feet high. This morning, we were told that the fires would go on for about 3 days - and that was just an estimate. The noise of the explosion woke all 5 members of...
  20. sallycinnamon78

    Punk rock, Judge Judy style

    This is several years old, but as I haven't seen it before, I assume there must be others here who didn't know about it either. It's not U2 related, but this clip had me in stitches. Johnny Rotten appearing on Judge Judy?! I nearly fell off my chair laughing! Good to see that thje spirit of...
  21. sallycinnamon78


    I thought I'd ask you all for your weird coincidence stories. I know everybody's got tons of these, and I find them quite interesting. I'm discounting all the family/friend coincidences I have had because they are far too common and numerous to mention. You might find this one kinda nuts, but...
  22. sallycinnamon78


    Okay, I appreciate that this isn't the best taste to say the least, but after hearing the news, I couldn't HELP thinking of the ex-parrot... I know, I'm a bad, evil person. I thought I'd mention it here so that you can all throw rocks at me. PS: 'It is very difficult for the H5N1 virus to...
  23. sallycinnamon78

    Bush, Reagan, John Lennon and Ringo Starr?!?!?

    Okay, you lot... please help me out here. This is the most bizarre thing I have read since that imcomprehensible webpage about the Lesbian Mafia ruling the world. I just wondered if anyone else has seen this before? Is it nothing more than a very weird parody? I think it must be, written by...
  24. sallycinnamon78

    The Wave: scary stuff.

    I wondered if anyone here has seen this? It's title varies according to diffrent reports: The Wave, or The Third Wave. Anyway, it's a film, made in 1981, based on actual events of 1972. Scary. This gives tons of info about the film, and the...
  25. sallycinnamon78

    Katrina: gloating bigots and other assorted imbeciles.

    Some 'people' (and believe me, I use the term loosely here) are sickening beyond belief. Look at these morons. Disgusting doesn't begin to describe it. Apologies if these have already been posted, if so, I assume the the threads will be merged...
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