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  1. the iron horse

    Is It Possible to Discuss Issues with the Left?

    Is It Possible to Discuss Issues with the Left? Is it possible to discuss issues with a person on the left. I am using the term LEFT not a LIBERAL. For example, President John Kennedy was a liberal, but he was not on the left. To start, here is a commentary of the song and the band performing...
  2. the iron horse

    Trump: The First 100 Days

    Before this thread officially kicks off noon Friday please post any predictions or comments about how you think the U.S. will be AFTER the first one hundred days.
  3. the iron horse


    A lot to discuss on Israel. Lets try this first... Name one Arab country where Arabs, living in Israel, could move and have more freedom.
  4. the iron horse

    Sunday Dispatch

    Sunday Dispatch.771 The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. ~ Dorothy Parker
  5. the iron horse

    Political Correctness

    "The reason every Marxist government in the history of the world turned massively repressive is not because they all had the misfortune of being hijacked by murderous thugs. It’s that the ideology itself prioritizes class justice over individual rights and makes no allowance for legitimate...
  6. the iron horse

    Free Speech

    Majority Of Dems OK With Criminalization Of Hate Speech | The Daily Caller This scares the living daylights out of me. If you agree, please explain why you are okay with a government or a majority deciding that certain speech should be criminalized.
  7. the iron horse

    Meanwhile in Africa...

    Here is the U.S. there was widespread media coverage of the attacks in Paris but I saw nothing of the horror unfolding in Nigeria. It is troubling how the West seems to ignore the terrorism running amuck in Africa. Boko Haram's 'deadliest massacre': 2,000 feared dead in Nigeria | World news |...
  8. the iron horse

    Mayor of Houston Subpoenas Church Sermons

    Religious Liberty Under Attack as City of Houston Subpoenas Church Sermons
  9. the iron horse

    WAR: a taste of Armageddon

    "A Taste of Armageddon" s an episode from the original "Star Trek" series. I have always view the story as somewhat of an allegory to our times. The story is set in the 23rd century. The Enterprise has been sent on a mission to establish diplomatic ties to a planet called Eminiar 7. Kirk and...
  10. the iron horse

    Global Warming Revisited

    Is it time to revisit the claims of global warming / climate change? I think it's time. President Obama called skeptics (like me) of global climate change as those of believe in a flat earth. The following is just one of several reports I have seen online. I have seen nothing in the...
  11. the iron horse

    Racism: glorified hyperbole in America

    “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” ~Martin Luther King, Jr. Imagine if that was true today in America. The leadership void after King’s murder was not replaced by men like him but by “race baiters’ stepping up...
  12. the iron horse

    The 'Hobbit' Human

    "In October 2004, excavation of fragmentary skeletal remains from the island of Flores in Indonesia yielded what was called "the most important find in human evolution for 100 years." Its discoverers dubbed the find Homo floresiensis, a name suggesting a previously unknown species of human. Now...
  13. the iron horse


    "Today, non-Jewish citizens of Israel constitute about 25% of the population, with 20% being Arabs. Arab Israelis have equal voting rights and their own political parties, serve on the Israeli Knesset, Cabinet, and Supreme Court; hold diplomatic positions; actively participate in the Israeli...
  14. the iron horse

    The Heterosexuality Thread

    "When a man loves woman...."
  15. the iron horse

    Bono: Who is Jesus?

    show2me :: Bono: Who Is Jesus?
  16. the iron horse

    22 Messages of Hope (and Science) for Creationists

    Questions answered after he saw the Bill Nyes and Ken Hamm debate.
  17. the iron horse

    Oxford Scientists Appear to have Located the Conscience

    You say lateral frontal pole, I say that little devil/angel that whispers in my ear - Comment - Voices - The Independent
  18. the iron horse

    The Thought Conditioners

    In the last chapter of C.S. Lewis' The Abolition of Man he describes a distant future in which the values and morals of the majority are controlled by a small group who rule by a "perfect" understanding of psychology, and who in turn, being able to "see through" any system of morality that...
  19. the iron horse

    Have Scientists Ever Created Life in a Laboratory?

    I believe Old Earth Creationism best explains the origin of the universe and life on earth. OECs (like Young Earth Creationism) believe that God created the universe, but we differ in interpretation of Genesis chapter one. YECs view the 6 days as 24 hour days. OECs interpret the days as long...
  20. the iron horse

    Top Books You Recommend to the Oposition

    (reminding self to do a spell check before posting next thread title) Top Books You Recommend to the Opposition List your top ten (or however many) books you would recommend those who do not share the same political, social or religious/nonreligious beliefs as you. (random order) -The...
  21. the iron horse

    The Rabbi, the Note, and the Messiah

    When Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri died in February 2006, he left a note to be opened after his death. In the note he named the Messiah. The Messiah's name is wrote is Yeshua (Jesus). He also write that the Messiah would not appear until after the death of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon...
  22. the iron horse

    The War Against Boys

    The WAR AGAINST BOYS: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men: Christina Hoff Sommers: 9780684849577: Books
  23. the iron horse

    Social Attitude Test

    Social Attitude Test
  24. the iron horse

    Darwin's Doubt

    A new book Darwin's Doubt by Stephen Meyer explores a event that Charles Darwin knew his theory could not explain. Darwin's Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design: Stephen C. Meyer: 9780062071477: Books
  25. the iron horse

    Bono Interview

    U2's Bono talks religion, praises George W. Bush in new interview | Fox News
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