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  1. Antilarry

    United States would lose any war with China.

    I still question what I questioned earlier, why are we having this thread? I don't admire China particularly, but um they make a lot of the goods than other western countries buy... so why would there be a war, exactly? Just cause you have to have a war? Where is this coming from?
  2. Antilarry

    Jacko- It's the Jew's fault

    in all seriousness, why does jacko still have millions of fans? I see these weeping teenagers outside hospital/courthouse/ranch everytime something happens with him, but I swear to god the last time jacko had hits, I was a teenager. In, like, 1992. hmmmmmmm.
  3. Antilarry

    is this torture?

    note to self - any new member of the forum naming him/herself after HTDAAB-related stuff, is likely to be craaaaaaaaazy. How's that for profiling?
  4. Antilarry

    JFK assasination - 42nd anniversary

    we've all heard the joke about how if you add up all the conspiracy theories and book accounts over the years, there would have been 40 or 50 people on the grassy knoll. So I don't know. I'm willing to bet it wasn't a 'lone nut' though. According the Onion, the Warren Commission shot Kennedy.
  5. Antilarry

    United States would lose any war with China.

    more to the point, why? I mean, I'm sure they're all dirty commies or whatever, but they buy a lot of US dollars, and they make a lot of the stuff that the US buys. So why?
  6. Antilarry

    United States would lose any war with China.

    What's this, are we being softened up for an 'inevitable' war with China now? Not the first time I've heard it mentioned recently.
  7. Antilarry

    Geography lesson

    i thought this thread would actually be a geography lesson. now i am disappointed.
  8. Antilarry

    UFOs and The Internet

    And then there's david icke, who combines alien abduction theory, lizards, and current political wacky conspiracy in a blender. Good times! I should make a caveat that I don't take him seriously, or read him, in case anyone important is lurking! Haha, little injoke there for the Illuminati.
  9. Antilarry

    Christopher Columbus...Friend or Americans?

    yeah lets talk about stuff that really matters. I love it!
  10. Antilarry

    war critics hate our troops

    'frontiers of freedom' ???? where the hell do they come up with this stuff? and yes, its rummy in adelaide. he's scoping out a good coffee shop.
  11. Antilarry

    MERGED--> Pat Robertson Warns of Disaster...

    Robertson may be crazy but stupid, hard to say. Ignorable (if that's a word)? The guy nearly beat freaking George HW Bush for the presidential nomination some years ago. Thats life i guess. I certainly won't be bothering to get my baseball bat, i prefer to just let it slide. Sliiiiiiiide.
  12. Antilarry

    gay Catholic clergy fighting back

    apart from his reactionary agenda, the current pope seems to be shaping up to the invisible status shared by his turn of the (20th) century predecessors. I almost wonder if he's still alive.
  13. Antilarry

    It's just like in the old days

    financeguy, if you don't know what to do with your money, I have some advice give it to us. yes. give it to us.
  14. Antilarry

    Women just can't keep it brief

    I am a laaaaaady!
  15. Antilarry

    Women just can't keep it brief

    great, another useless study about nothing. who the fuck funds these things? in this case, probably a telephone company. here's a test, can you tell from a poster's posts if they are a man or a woman? I guarantee you, you cannot. Put a lady in your avatar, and everyone will assume you're...
  16. Antilarry

    we interupt this broadcast to ask a few questions that noone really wants to read

    hey guys whats your favourite bit of 'all because of you'? im quiet partial to the end, myself myself i me myself oh god somebody kill me
  17. Antilarry

    Rioters are Muslims, but don't say it

    hey nathan, you be the first to defend rev. robertson. go on, i dare you.
  18. Antilarry

    Gnosticism, Syncretism, Christopaganism

    wikipedia, should i say. haha, damn typos!
  19. Antilarry

    Gnosticism, Syncretism, Christopaganism

    who or what is syncretism. it sounds fucking scary. nevermind, i'll visit wikidpedia, the great big book of everything.
  20. Antilarry

    Are Graphic Novels Literature?

    nevermind if its literature, just be glad the kids are reading anything. if they like reading, they'll make up their own minds eventually i say this as someone with zero interest in graphic novels, but i did read a lot of books until adulthood ruined me.
  21. Antilarry

    A theme park for the Holy Land?

  22. Antilarry

    Rioters are Muslims, but don't say it

    i didnt know anyone was 'not' saying it... thought that was sort of the point of all the indignant outrage. like its even our country, in most cases.
  23. Antilarry

    A theme park for the Holy Land?

    ah americhrist land, the dream comes true at last
  24. Antilarry

    MERGED--> Pat Robertson Warns of Disaster...

    I thought intelligent design wasn't creationism... so why the heck should Roberston care? i love the smell of creationism in the morning
  25. Antilarry


    Bad will, Yolland? This place isn't worth the effort of serious debate that will NEVER be reciprocated. I'm just venting, and pretty diplomatically I might add. It was goodtimes.
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