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  1. G

    In God's Country???

    Could someone please explain the lyric: She stands with a naked flame I stand with the sons of Cain Burned by the fire of love Especially the 'sons of Cain' line as I can't find any reference to Cain having any son's (although I haven't really looked all that hard!) Thankyou muchly
  2. G

    Effects Unit Question

    Please help, I am looking to buy a new effects unit but need to know what specification I need to look at to get one that changes cleanly between patches without a break in the signal so, for example, I can change from slight distortion to heavier distortion whilst still playing but without the...
  3. G

    Who Would Be Saved?

    I listened to a Vicar once tell a group of us that, basically, the only way to be 'saved' is to believe in God, Jesus etc and I never got to ask him this question: Who, out of these two people, would be 'saved.' A very religious person who studies the Bible / Koran, goes to church / mosque...
  4. G

    Weird But Amazing

    Is there more to anagrams than being a fun word puzzle? If only we were to look more deeply into the things, the simple things, that we see, hear and say, rearrange the commonplace to discover hidden meanings in simple soundbites we consider normal. Perhaps we can find certain truths...
  5. G

    Effect Question

    I have been given information that Edge uses a Boss FA-1 FET amp pedal in his set-up but is no longer available and very rare. An alternative to this is a DOD FX10 BiFET Preamp but this too seems impossible to find! Also, the MXR Dynacomp compressor pedal he uses is also impossible to obtain, in...
  6. G


    What do you think of George W Bush. I know he didn't win the election, but he's the President anyway. I know he should'nt be anywhere near the Whitehouse. Is he evil incarnate? Is he the true Devil? Is he, as the leader of the free world, the answer to all our problems? Does the 'w' stand for...
  7. G

    Mofo Lyric ???????????????

    Can anyone tell me what the heavily processed lyric is that Edge sings between Bono's lines in Mofo. It sounds like 'Little red hen' or 'New red pen'. I know it's not really, I'm arsing about, but please help. Thanx. PEACE!
  8. G

    Edge, how do you do it?

    Does anyone know how Edge is able to use any lower level of distortion, pick the notes of a chord and get it to sound so sweet. For example, the picked notes at the beginning of Sunday Bloody Sunday, the picked notes in the intro of Streets, the picked notes in the second verse of Pride and...
  9. G

    splendid bananas and goats cheese

    I can't believe you actually want to read this drivel! Well hello to the planet! Are we all mighty fine? Are we all happy and living in peace? Don' be stupid, of course we're not! I'm new to this game but it's pretty cool eh? I'm an over-weight, stressed, train driving guitar player. I...
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