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  1. DML

    This is just nuts

    Apparently this guy has a beef with oreo cookies People will do anything for a lawsuit. :madspit: I mean its a COOKIE for crying out loud...if cookies were supposed to be healthy they wouldn't taste good... ...And so ends this rant...:lol:
  2. DML

    Apparently I am lucky to be alive....

    Yep. 12 hours ago, my brother and I were driving back to get a taco and some ice cream for my ma and well...some lady took it upon herself to NOT stop at a stop sign and drive onto a busy highway. Guess who hit her? Yep, my brother and I. Air bags smell reeeaaaaaaaaaaaaally bad. My...
  3. DML

    Hi kiddos!

    :wave: I'm dropping by to say Hi. I can't say I have been terribly busy like that to as to why I haven't been around much, but ever since I got back from NJ...and I have been all sick like ever since I got back which adds to my lack of coming here, but I do miss all youse guys and I will try to...
  4. DML


    I GOT MY KITTY TODAY!!!! She is sleeping innocently on my top bunk at the moment, while my three mutt of dogs cry all around her....but aww a kitty! Course kitty doesn't have a name yet....'cept for kitty. Either it's gonna be named Memphis or Hermione....
  5. DML

    BRUUUCE! Or: What Dana had to say bout the concert

    First off: THE CONCERT WAS AWESOME! I was 20 FEET AWAY FROM BRUCE AND LITTLE STEVEN! :drool: and if it wasn't for The World's Tallest Man in front of me, I would have had a better shot of lookin at him, but luckily this nice chap was kind enough to let me stand next to him to see better, but...
  6. DML

    Yay NEWS!

    My big brother and his wife are having a BABY!!! :dance: :cute: They emailed us pictures of them gathered around the pregnancy test. haha. Only my brother. If it's a girl its gonna be named Madeline and if it's a boy its gonna be named Joshua (which I tried to convice them that it should be...
  7. DML

    Dana's Weird Story of the Day

    This is a very twisted tale indeed. You may not believe your ears (or well eyes since you are reading this) Anyway here goes. This girl in my class is pregnant and she was due in December right near finals, knowing this before she registered for class she asked our teacher what would happen...
  8. DML


    EEEEP! Tomorrow I'm gettin on the plane and FLYING! I'm soooooooo scared, I HATE FLYING...I don't even know if I'll be able to do it, last time I was on a plane I fainted, and to make matters worse, I woke up this morning with a sinus infection :no: it's not gonna be a fun flight and I feel...
  9. DML

    Haha...I've corrupted my nephew!

    I was perplexed where to put this cause it's personal but it's bout U2, so if it's in the wrong place, I'm sorry ...anyway on to the story: My 5 year old nephew knows the words to Elevation, so yesterday when he was over my house cause I had to baby sit him, so we were playing with legos in my...
  10. DML

    RANT WARNING!!! GRR! tehe

    I just got back from Chicago last night...whoo hoo helping my step sister and her family move to Florida....and already there is a big ol RED stain on my carpet in my bedroom that WON'T come up...and it's from my 14 year old niece's friend and I'm gonna get in trouble for it...AND the two of...
  11. DML

    I wasn't gonna post about this but...

    I don't think I can stand sittin here all alone in my house with this on my mind, so I need some company. My father is going in to have exploratory surgery today. His doctor can't find his aortic valve in his heart. My parents told me not to get all upset cause when we lived in NJ our old...
  12. DML

    U2 as you never saw them before

    Inspired by my effort with Sponge Edge, I have come up with something new: It comes complete with your own giant lemon, Bubble Pants Bono, Larry with a drumstick (which is the guy, Joey Warnoker, who is filling in for REM's former drummer drumstick), Edge with a beanie, and Adam Clayton...
  13. DML

    Oh goodness!

    I was doing my morning chores with the U2 concert on as usual...and my father was sitting watching it, and he says to me, "What's that guys name?" me:"Bono" daddy:"Well...I want you to email him and tell him that if he buys his underwear two sizes bigger, he won't have that problem." Too bad...
  14. DML

    Random thoughts for the day...including my first little play

    Okay...I'm condensing all my thoughts into one long post...tehe Anywho let's start -I was doing my normal everyday chores with the channel on 103 (the U2 thing on Direct TV) and my father sits down and was watching it, and I was like "oh god" cause Bono was talking about Edge getting sexual...
  15. DML

    I just got back from Tampa...

    OH MY GOD! It was AWESOME...Bono sung a bit of "So cruel!" I LOVE that song...AHH! hehe! I'm a bit can't really write a FULL review yet...cause I'm sleepy, sick and not thinking straight...but a few highlights: -Adam...he was soo funny! My section kept commenting on...
  16. DML

    Just my luck...

    3 wait, closer to two days before the concert, I would get a sinus infection...grr...that's not fair! There is no way that I am missing this concert...I will go with a 102? fever...poor Adam Clayton will just have to be pelted by tissues all night long... sorry to complain...
  17. DML

    I'm doing a happy dance...

    My tickets came today! YAY! If I wasn't in the bathroom when the UPS man came, I probably would have kissed the poor fellow! Oh and I no longer have to go with my U2 hating brother...I'm going with my U2 loving brother in law, he's flying in from Chicago...we convinced him because he had...
  18. DML


    Okay...I'm just going to try something...and if it doesn't work, I also have some random thing to say...the random thing first...I was leaving my house on Thanksgiving, and about to turn my TV off and there was a commercial with football on it, and the music in the background sounded awfully...
  19. DML


    I GOT MY TICKETS FOR U2!!!! I am soooo excited, of course, I have to go with my U2 hating brother, which I'm a little nervous about...if anyone can get a plane ticket to Florida... I would rather go with anyone then him, geez, it was better going with my teacher! ------------------ Dana...
  20. DML

    Sparky has taken hold of my parents...

    This is SOO pointless, I know, but I found out today, as I saw my mother had a spoon that had a snowman painted on it and I said, "Look guys I got a snowman spoon for my spoon collection." She laughed cause she knew what I was talking about, but my dad, he didn't so I explained to him about...
  21. DML

    I hope this works...anyway

    Here is a great pic to caption...I just hope I can get it to work...I want to know what on earth is going on in this one though, where, or WHAT is that lady trying to grab on Adam? ------------------ Dana "AHH...this is civics in action!" --Mr. Campbell and me at a U2 concert, 6/21/01 "I...
  22. DML

    ARGH! is the day of the U2 concert I was supposed to be at But my parents decided to, as I tell them, 'rip my heart out, toss it on the floor and stomp all over it.' The other day I was complaining about how awesome the shows have been in NYC (cause I was probably gonna go to at least...
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