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  1. kariatari

    Superman Returns - The new Superman movie

    Ooooh...both Reese and Rachel would have been great choices! I think McAdams would have had better chemistry w/ Routh than Witherspoon would have. I feel so awful for saying it, but I really do hope Bosworth is replaced.
  2. kariatari

    Wanna Feel Old?

    so i opened up the thread thinking that it wasn't going to be applicable to me, a young 20 something. but damn. i was wrong. i feel waaaaaaaay old.
  3. kariatari

    Superman Returns - The new Superman movie

    interesting that you should say that all the leads seemed to be far too young. i thought the same too, but then i learned that christopher reeve was the same age as routh when the first superman film was shot. kate bosworth is really the only gripe i had. lovely girl, but definitely lacking...
  4. kariatari

    I thought Toyota's were supposed to be quality cars?

    I love my Camry! But I loved my old Accord more until it was smooshed! :(
  5. kariatari

    What Book(s) Is/Are You Currently Reading?

    I haven't read this one yet, but I read Maus II and loved it! It was the most moving piece of holocaust literature I've ever read. David Sedaris is my hero! I really want to introduce him to my high schoolers but I'm having difficulty finding a piece that a) shows his twisted brilliance in...
  6. kariatari

    Digital camera recommendations

    The Canon S2 IS is a solid pick, an upgrade from the S1 IS mentioned previously. It's got 5 MP and 10x optical zoom. It's also got one of the best movie modes in the business. I would also recommend the Panasonic DMC-LZ5. It's got the clearest, most crisp images I've seen in any comparable...
  7. kariatari

    Did anyone happen to notice??? (At Minneapolis concert)

    I didn't notice the sign, but I was about one person away from the stage, so I wasn't exactly looking around the arena. LoL!
  8. kariatari

    Crumbs shows up at Minneapolis!!!

    I pretty much had my heart set on hearing "40" as a closer before I even set foot in the arena, but I wasn't disappointed in the least when they played "Vertigo" again. Watching Bono scramble to get the boys assembled to play a scorching impromptu version of "Vertigo" kicked up the already...
  9. kariatari

    Crumbs shows up at Minneapolis!!!

    Yaweh only once. And holy SHITE Crumbs was awesome!! Bono forgot a bunch of the words though. LoL!
  10. kariatari

    Sept. 23, Target Center in Minneapolis

    The Hilton, eh? Hmmm.... Well I'm leaving for MPLS in about an I don't know how we're gonna get contact info...but I will be checking back here periodically until I leave.... e-mail me - on a side note...i've misplaced my fecking checkbook/id/credit card holder thing.
  11. kariatari

    Sept. 23, Target Center in Minneapolis

    And the tix say "No Cameras/Recorders" none at ALL?! Anybody know the Target Center policy on that stuff?
  12. kariatari

    Sept. 23, Target Center in Minneapolis

    I'm definitely in GA. ANd I definitely have Fan Tix. I don't have your phone number. I wanna go out afterwards, but my friend Kate is a young'n and doesn't turn 21 for 5 more days...BLARRRRRRG! I dunno what time I'm lining up...I'm new to this whole GA thing.
  13. kariatari

    Sept. 23, Target Center in Minneapolis

    zoney! you're going to mpls?! me too! know what else is pretty sweet? u of m homecoming is that week. homecoming = wicked fun.
  14. kariatari

    What's the coolest iPod protector?

    best cover ever.
  15. kariatari

    Looking for Phoenix 4/28/01 DVD

    I don't have any DVDs to trade, so I will have to do B & P. If you can help me out, please e-mail me at Thanks!!
  16. kariatari

    merchandise pics

    $80-90 for a a poser-vintage shirt is ridiculous. it's not going to be any more "vintage" than some dime a dozen distressed-so-you-look-like-you-shop-at-hip-vingate-stores t-shirt you can buy at american eagle. but hey, if people are stupid enough to pay the price, i'd probably charge that...
  17. kariatari

    Undroppable songs

    Streets. That's all. Gotta make some room for "Unforgettable Fire." :sexywink: Pretty sure I would die if they played that.
  18. kariatari

    MERGED->GA rules and setlist details posted! + why 2 lines + I'm gonna miss lining up

    Fuckin' right doggie! :rockon: That said, I still hate the lottery system. Pretty sure I was banking on my status as an insanely obsessed fan who would be willing to numb my bum for 10 hours in heat, cold, rain, or snow to get into that fucking egg. :grumpy:
  19. kariatari

    Alright, Bono/U2 must go on the Daily Show

    Muwahahaha!!! You totally need to make a Bono/Jon wallpaper so that I can gaze at my top two sexies at the same freakin' time! :sexywink: That would be totally hot.
  20. kariatari


    I GOT 'EM!!!!!
  21. kariatari

    Selection Sunday Baby!!!!

    Hey EP! :wink: Iowa sucked it up first round... I'm ashamed. My poor Panthers started to shape up but it was a little too late. Awesome time seeing them play though! Now I guess I'll have to cheer for the Cyclones.
  22. kariatari


    i've been waiting on ticketmaster for 15 mins.... but i already have tix through pre-sale. i'm just trying to score some for friends. there are four of us trying, so hopefully one of us gets lucky!
  23. kariatari

    Selection Sunday Baby!!!!

    Helloooo there, zoner!! :) Long time no talkie, no?!
  24. kariatari

    MERGED-->3rd Leg Opening Act?+Third Leg Support?+ Jet to open third leg?

    Oasis would rock my face off. As would Coldplay or Weezer. However, I would really like to see Bright Eyes. It may be a too late to promote the two albums they dropped in '04, but it would still be pretty fuckin' sweet.
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