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  1. Flying FuManchu

    One solution or compromise on the issue of gay marriage...

    Sounds like the way to go. Call all marriages civil unions. Thoughts?
  2. Flying FuManchu

    CNN fact checks SNL's skit mocking Obama!

    Uhmmmm... Whadda? Even comedy skits by SNL need to be fact checked? What is the point? YouTube - CNN Fact-Checks SNL's Spoof on Obama
  3. Flying FuManchu

    Congressman Alan Grayson is an idiot

    Just when all that Joe Wilson BS has died down, we get this moron on the Congress floor and later on CNN spouting his drivel. He may have salient points, but his ridiculous comments and characterizations distract from anything positive he has to say. Joe Wilson is an undignified fool as well...
  4. Flying FuManchu

    I'm glad Roman Polanski finally got caught!

    He deserves to go to prison. Even IF you don't think he committed "rape-rape," the fact that he ran from his sentencing (big no-no) means he still deserves prison time. I'm surprised there are people in the media and Hollywood who are acting as his advocates. With that said, I enjoyed...
  5. Flying FuManchu

    Yeah Yeah Yeahs - It's Blitz!

    What are people's opinions? Just got it last week. I love Heads Will Roll right off the bat and I enjoy the extra accoustic/ string versions that were bonus tracks I guess? Listening to it on and off. Quiet and electronic. Miss the Karen O wild noises, but I'm somewhat open to the "new"...
  6. Flying FuManchu

    How is NLOTH doing in the mainstream? Is it a big album?

    Outside of U2 fandom, is it Beyonce big?
  7. Flying FuManchu

    Songs on this album are going to be a beach to play live for U2

    That is unless Lanois and Eno decide to tour with U2! That would be cool though.
  8. Flying FuManchu

    Will there be a U2 3D release in Asia?

    Just curious... went to the website, nada about it. Tried googling, but had a hard time finding information. Planning on going to Japan and Korea over the late spring/ summer and assumed that Asia would get a "later release." Any info?
  9. Flying FuManchu

    Snitches get stitches! Yo!

    Dumb ass or a just plain evil ass dude? Maybe there will be some uproar about this or maybe his record sales could go through the roof!
  10. Flying FuManchu

    Rosie O'Donnell Unleashes Racist Tirade!

    Rosie going crazy! First it was Mel Gibson! Then it was Michael Richards! Now it's Rosie O'Donnell... :ohmy: What is it with the racism coming from Hollywood celebs?
  11. Flying FuManchu

    What are your thoughts on school vouchers?

    When I look at today's educational system (especially public high schools) and hear stories from high school kids, it makes me rethink the idea of school vouchers. I'm wondering what people think in general. Something worth trying b/c a lot of public schools, especially in the inner city seem...
  12. Flying FuManchu

    Suggest to me some good pop music!

    Not really rock but more pop. I've said on another thread, how I've been listening to The Concretes and the new U2 - Window in the Skies and they've sort of whet my appetite for similar ideas and sounds. Nothing from too far in the past please. Anybody have any suggestions? I've also been...
  13. Flying FuManchu

    When did Green Day became cool in U2's eyes?

    For Green Day to be included in a musical performance together with U2 (at the New Orleans game) as well as being able to record together with U2 is quite a big deal IMO. You don't see a lot of bands given that opportunity. Not only that, they will be immortalized to a degree in the new U2-18...
  14. Flying FuManchu

    Is this Bono concert story true?

    Bono is at a U2 concert in Dublin when he asks the audience for some quiet. Then in the silence, he starts to slowly clap his hands. Holding the audience in total silence, he says in to the microphone... "Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies." A voice from near the front pierces...
  15. Flying FuManchu

    Are you surprised at how much love the White Stripes have gotten?

    What kind of love? Critics tend to have been generally positive thoughts about the White Stripes though I'm sure indie circles have now completely rejected them. Kids dig them which is why they've got any buzz in the mainstream in the first place. But I'm sort of surprised by the list of...
  16. Flying FuManchu

    Beach Clips, musically overall sounds ok but guitar playing/ ideas not so stellar?

    I know, the sound quality is crap for the beach clips and none of these songs are definitely for a future album much less can be considered complete but do you all think the Edge's guitar contribution from what you have heard so far are up to snuff? I think what little I could hear in terms of...
  17. Flying FuManchu

    Axl & a Guns 'N Roses Radio Interview

    Axl sounding well adjusted and a bit self-deprecating, talking Chinese Democracy with Scott Ian, Chris Jericho, Sebastian Bach, and Eddie Trunk. A lot of backstage stories and bits about music. LOL at Mike Piazza calling in the interview and apologizing to Axl and all the stories involving...
  18. Flying FuManchu

    A badass guitar player soloing with melody!

    This video guitar is one of the nicest guitar solos/ instrumentals I heard.... Not necessarily typical and all on accoustic... http://w w Copy & paste while getting rid of the spaces between the w's... His name's Justin King and...
  19. Flying FuManchu

    Kaki King: Amazing Talent & Songwriter & a Hot Midget

    I have to say there aren't a lot of great and exciting guitarists out there who can pull off their own exciting & cool style while being super technical and playing with soul but Kaki King is someone who fills all these requirements. She should be a star. I just started reading about her and...
  20. Flying FuManchu

    Bono snubbed by another major publication

    This is so wrong and it makes me so mad that Bono doesn't get the credit that he deserves! Just look at that article/ list and you know that this magazine hates Bono. They ignore his contributions to the music world and to social causes. It just makes me :sad: :mad: :censored: :scream...
  21. Flying FuManchu

    Jeff Beck playing the Blues! LOL - Appreciation thread!

    Pretty awesome cool!
  22. Flying FuManchu

    Recommend me some Sarah Brightman songs

    Any fans want to help me out? :)
  23. Flying FuManchu

    Better Harvard Commencement Speech Than Bono's? Mebbe

    Commencement Speech to the Havard Class of 2000 by Conan O'Brien I'd like to thank the Class Marshals for inviting me here today. The last time I was invited to Harvard it cost me $110,000, so you'll forgive me if I'm a bit suspicious. I'd like to announce up front that I have one goal this...
  24. Flying FuManchu

    What do you consider to be Eric Clapton's Top 5 guitar solos?

    My personal choice b/c I'm on a Clapton kick these days or too lazy to change the CDs in my car... No particular order... Politician Crossroads (live) (Disraeli Gears b-side) Deserted Cities of the Heart (Live Cream 2) Little Wing While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Live verson where Harrison...
  25. Flying FuManchu

    Good news for Bush!

    4.7 employment rate! With that said, fuel costs this year will be a bitch...
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