Recent content by Vladjusha

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. V

    Who has all the good tickets and where is the love for Philly?

    I got section 106 for 14th and 117 for 22nd on saturday. I didn't hasitate, bought them immediately after search. Didn't even try for better seats.
  2. V

    RANT HERE!!!... after the pre-sale and now this disaster of trying to...

    I just can't get why there're so many sites offering U2 tickets (a lot of them are GA), since tuesday! What the hell is that? But what can we poor people do. Even Pearl Jam couldn't turn it down in 1994.
  3. V

    MERGED--> Philly General Sale Discussion

    When it "didn't get through" for the first time I searched again and it worked. But first tickets were better. So can I cancel the second one?
  4. V

    MERGED--> Philly General Sale Discussion

    Couldn't get GA for Philly. More than that I couldn't get anything for the first show. But got charged TWICE (one order didn't get though and I don't have any rcords of it on, only on my bank account) fot he second show.
  5. V

    Edge's solo SBS Popmart tabs???

    "Sunday Bloody Sunday" Live version from Popmart The Popmart version of Sunday Bloody Sunday is no different than any other version of Sunday Bloody Sunday in terms of the way you play it. It is different in terms of the actual chords though. Anyway, here's how you play it: STICK A CAPO ON...
  6. V

    ProShot video help

    what's you email?
  7. V

    MERGED-->Downed Backing Tracks + Backing Tracks

    I'm uploading them to .com right now. Sending the link to your email. .rar archive - 130Mb. Don't know how much the uploading will take.
  8. V

    The Hermitage, St Petersburg Russia - anyone been there?

    I've been to St.Petersburg a lot of times. Well, I have relatives there. And I must say it's my favourite city in Russia. Never been to Hermitage though, but if you wanna see it all you probably gonna need a week. About Russian language. First of all the alphabet is a bitch. I have an experience...
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