Recent content by spunkyspike

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. S

    Meeting Bono

    WOW!! Hi everyone! my goodness, i never knew there would be such a demand for my little pic with my main man bono. never fear everyone, i'll have the pic up in no time and i'll send it via email to you guys! and please feel free to email me if you want to talk about bono and the boys or any...
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    Meeting Bono

    OOPS! posted the same message twice..sorry! -spunkyspike
  3. S

    Meeting Bono

    Aloha AnCatDubh (and everyone)! I met bono in Washington DC at the carnegie institute for international peace (that's a long name to say outloud)! it was a great experience..especially since bono was there for a press conference concerning his involvement in debt relief. that really shows how...
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    Meeting Bono

    Aloha AnCatDubh (and everyone)! I met bono in DC at the carnegie institute for international peace (that's a long name to say outloud)! it was a great experience..especially since bono was there for a press conference concerning his involvement in debt relief. that really shows how serious...
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    Meeting Bono

    hello everyone! Oops..i haven't been able to scan my picture with bono (i feel kind of guilty), but hopefully within a week i'll be able to scan it. (trust me, it does exist). in the meanwhile, i am looking forward to the new u2 album and their upcoming tour....hopefully then i'll be able to...
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    Meeting Bono

    Hey Julie! sure, i'd love to let ya' see the pic. i still have to scan the pic and get it into my computer, maybe i could e-mail it to you. -spunkyspike
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    Meeting Bono

    hey there julie, oohh la la, trust me this is true, i have witnesses, BONO told me i was beautiful. he just looked at me when i approached him and introduced myself and he said "ah, you're beautiful.." and he hugged and kissed me (on the cheek close to the lips). then a friend took a picture of...
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    Meus is sillius.

    howdy, sorry mr. macphisto, but i'm sure you'll get to see the boys when they come around. their concerts are fab (i was lucky enought to go to ZOOTV and POPMART).for how long have you been a u2 fan? (i became i fan when joshua tree came out, i was 6). best of luck when they start touring again...
  9. S

    Baltimore/Maryland U2 Fans??

    aloha u2watcher, yup, i live in Maryland (i live in montgomery co. and i go to school at Univ. of Md, college park), but i work in DC (i spend too much time there ). where in maryland do you live? oh, by the way, i'll have to check out your u2 video site. thanks for the tip!! -spunkyspike
  10. S does the song end?

    carriemeu2 and all, i think it's an angel becoming a human (since the song was done for faraway, so close where the angel just wants to experience humanity). i did see "city of angels" and it was crap compared to "wings of desire". -spunkyspike
  11. S

    U2 fans in the DC area

    Yeah!!! Northern Virginia isn't so far from where i am! i went to the DC popmart too...funny thing is i remember having a really GREAT time and being really impressed by bono and the boys, but at the same time the concert was one big and happy blur for me. its the same for the friends who came...
  12. S

    When I met Bono

    Hello flyanto, guess what? i met bono right after you did!! after he left rome, he came to Washington D.C. (in the U.S) and that is where i got to meet him. you are right, he is a very nice and humble man. i got to talk to him too. he told me i was beautiful and kissed me on the cheek...
  13. S

    U2 fans in the DC area

    AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! There must be u2 fans out here in the Washington DC area!!! it is sooo HARD to find you! i am tired of going on insane u2 rants with my non-u2 fan friends....they just don't understand how i've been a u2 fan since i was 6!! 13 years isn't too long.... -spunkyspike
  14. S

    Meus is sillius.

    Well Ants if it makes you feel better, you'll get to see M$H before i do, i don't know when its coming to the u.s. -spunkyspike
  15. S

    Meus is sillius.

    aloha Ants! sorry that you didn't get to go to ZooTV . I was 12 at the time too, but i BEGGED to be allowed to go, and it worked and i went to ZooTV in London (i was living there at the time). but i won't rub it in your face how cool the whole experience was. i know i lot of peeps who hate...
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