Recent content by PopMartian33107

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  1. PopMartian33107

    MERGED--> ALL European Stage, Lighting & Production Discussions + Pictures

    I don't know if this has been asked yet, but will they be making a European U2 DVD? They did it for Elevation, sooo...maybe for this tour too? Looking at the stage set-up and the new "accoustic" set that they'll be adding, I'd much rather have one from the European leg than from the American...
  2. PopMartian33107


    Great little tune! I love everything about the 'NiteTime', so this piece had me hooked right from the start. To hear a melody behind your work would be even better...
  3. PopMartian33107

    U2 in London. Philly Live-Aid sucks

    For those interested... Phil Collins just made a statement on his web site saying basically that since he wasn't asked to participate in Live 8, there will be no Genesis reunion. He goes on to say that though he supports the efforts of these series of global concerts, he's too busy with other...
  4. PopMartian33107

    Ah now i know why miracle drug and sometimes are played together....

    I agree with you, clerks. Miracle Drug cheered me up quite a bite, as I'm sure it has other people, too. I suffered a major psychotic breakdown, and am now discovering that I might be schizophrenic. Even if the song wasn't written for me, I can identify with it. "Science and the human heart...
  5. PopMartian33107

    U2 in London. Philly Live-Aid sucks

    you must be kidding... a Genesis reunion would rock the show, and would totally make my year! :D Where did you hear this rumor?
  6. PopMartian33107

    I'm Trying

    Very good piece, wizard, and I could totally identify with what you wrote. That's the mark of a good writer! Hope you don't feel that way all the time, though. :|
  7. PopMartian33107

    The Octagon Bar: Octagoner Bobbleheads - Collect Them All

    You could say could also say that the Zima's have been getting to me! :D Bud Bowl 98 was a classic, too. *Has the entire history of Bud Bowl memorized.* Thanks for the beverages, though, folks! *Drinks his second Zima and the Rum and Coke at the same time* Yummy! Thanks, guys! :wave:
  8. PopMartian33107

    The Octagon Bar: Octagoner Bobbleheads - Collect Them All

    *walks in, slowly* This is my first time in the is everyone? I hope I don't seem out of the ordinary... ;) *Sits down on a bar stool, sipping a bottle of Zima while wearing a bright pink "Bud Bowl '98" cap and a white cape.* __________________________ It's written in the book! Oh...
  9. PopMartian33107

    My "E-E-G" and pyschotic breakdown. (Personal Story)

    Re: Re: My "E-E-G" and pyschotic breakdown. (Personal Story) Hi! :wave: Wow, that's quite strange that yours started in spring of 2003...because mine started in about the fall of that same year: headaches, colors, other weird wasn't until the summer of 2004 that I experienced my...
  10. PopMartian33107

    "What If It Didn't Matter?" (My Best Work Yet)

    ..... Thanks... Glad you read it, at least...! ;)
  11. PopMartian33107

    All of my songs and poems

    What If It Didn't Matter? ____________________________ What if the world went a different way, With a different point of view? What if we all went about it differently, Would I still love you? New ideas and Gospel, Spread throughout a new world. If it’s a brand new home, Then whom do we kneel...
  12. PopMartian33107

    ZeroDudes thread inspired by For Honours actions

    I've been skimming through this thread, ZeroDude, and I found a lot that I like. Later on tonight, I'll specifically let you know which ones I like best of all. Keep writing and we'll keep reading... :)
  13. PopMartian33107

    "What If It Didn't Matter?" (My Best Work Yet)

    Hola! :) This is another hypothetical piece, sort of like my last work, "So They Promised Us A Stolen Land". I think it is definately my best work yet. Hope you enjoy it, and please leave feedback! :) What If It Didn't Matter? ____________________________ What if the world went a different...
  14. PopMartian33107

    The Road

    Good piece, Mullen4Prez. And excellent news on being published: Just tell me in what book (or in whatever), and I'll be sure to check it out! :)
  15. PopMartian33107

    Yesterdays Friends

    Great piece, ZeroDude, about the nature of so-called "friends"(at least, that's what I took from it). Makes me want to double-check who my true friends really are... ;)
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