Recent content by madball420

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. M

    Bono and pulling a guy on stage

    dan wins at u2
  2. M

    i met Guggi and Gavin Friday at MSG 5/21..

    hehe grats man. saw u first at glendale, az for the two shows, then bumped into u in msg in the bathrooms, and then saw u at philli. awesome job man.
  3. M

    Phoenix/Glendale 1 pics

    um, what do u need to view the video from a mp4 ( call me a newb )
  4. M

    Why I am pissed about Philly!!!!!

    if u dont have a buyer for your 2 ga's for the 16th let me know. im interested have paypal and all stuff. 100% legit ebay history and all. ( in ny )
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