Recent content by Berto87

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. B

    DROWNING POOL Slams BILL O'REILLY In Video Message

    To which O'Reilly replied "What the hell is a drowning pool?"
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    Music videos that ruin their respective songs

    Props to MC Skat Cat, he did it like no other could. I'm sorry I mean MC Scat Kat. The "K" made him street
  3. B

    Your Top Five Songs of ALL Time

    Wake Up-Arcade Fire Us And Them-Pink Floyd Landlocked Blues- Bright Eyes Running To Stand Still-U2 Fake Plastic Trees-Radiohead
  4. B

    Bono doesn't look like Bono

    jake gyllenhal and matthew belamy. I'm glad someone else has gone to this website.
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    Foo Fighters: Echoes, Silence, Patience, and Grace

    Yeah, I'll think I'll attempt to fight the temptation of hearing the leak. Only a few more weeks until the release.
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    Foo Fighters: Echoes, Silence, Patience, and Grace

    I've always dug anyhting that Dave Grohl churns out and I'm really excited about this new release. By now you've probably heard The Pretender, but the have also played a song called "Cheer Up Boys, Your Makeup is Running", and released a great cover of "Keep The Car Running". This album is...
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    Shiny Toy Guns

    I've only heard their first two singles, (at least i assume that those are the first). They were pretty catchy and have beeen consistantly on any playlist i have made for the last couple of months. I would liek to hear the entire allbum though
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    The Simpsons Movie Hype Thread

    It wasn't anything mindly-blowingly funny. The best part is that you're with a bunch of people watching like a really good simpsons episode. It's just really enjoyable
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    Anyone a Limp Bizkit fan?

    I liked them for a period of time, also for a period of time I wore JNCO jeans religiously and thought Korn was edgy. Ah...the ackward years
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    Song Title Chain XLlll

    Southern Accent- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
  11. B

    Gorillaz discussion

    I heard that they will release a soundtrack for it, but it will only be the theatrical score from the film. No original music from the band:(
  12. B

    Knocked Up

    Damn I just spent like 10 minutes reading this entire thread to mention the U2 poster. Probably the best movie I have seen all summer, but I am a chump for any movie that is endlessly quotable. "You look like Robin Williams knuckels"
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    Gorillaz discussion

    It's too bad that Albarn is calling it quits for Gorillaz. Oh well, at least there is the Gorillaz movie and soundtrack to look forward too
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    bands who've turned down offers to open for U2, (and reasons why?)

    My band currently has a White Stripes thing going on, drummer and guitar. Unfortunately this only works if you are the White Stripes
  15. B

    bands who've turned down offers to open for U2, (and reasons why?)

    Well, it's been about 15 years since those days, let's hope that Grohl has gained some wisdom. Plus I think finally stepping out of Kurt's shadow and emerging as his own rock star has forced him to mature alot
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