It's GA "line" shenanigan time!

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No bitching to be had. GA lines ran smooth yesterday and thus far today. Amazing what a little organization can do.

There was some great work and communication between a handful of fans, U2 management and the venue that assured it would be a repeat of 2009.

So any hate directed towards those that put in the time and effort is hate misdirected.

Where was the information about wristbands at starbucks on Friday posted publicly? The venue issued email blast said nothing of the sort? How the hell are people supossed to find these thing out? If you say it was smooth, then I believe you as I have not read an horror stories. Just seems an odd way to handle this.
The line runners will not hand you a venue issued numbered wristband until your group is complete.

And just to give an indication, in Santa Clara there were 500 venue wristbands and they ran out of them somewhere between 12.30 pm and 1 pm. This was a weekday show of course.

Sicy and I went in line around 3.30 pm and we could have gotten pretty close to front central or b-stage. 5 rows back? Maybe even less? since we wanted easy in and out (for drinks, bathroom, etc) and space to dance and move around, we went for the soundboard area.
When we walked in, you could still get rail all the way to the right (but not in front of the band).
Ugh. I'm planning on getting there at noon. I guess I'll just play it by ear.
It's just the possibility of having to go to the back of the line at 2 that worries me.
Good news. People around me are being cool and said I'm good. Yay! Hopefully no one else throws a fit.
Well... It WAS a chill line. Huge issue happening at the front of the pit right now.
People did push to front. Sat down. Security came and wouldn't move them. A guy in front got heated and basically assaulted the line jumper, so he got removed. (they let him back in later) security eventually removed the cutters for being drunk and disorderly in front of children. Whatever excuse worked.
I mean how moronic are these people you mention. Not only do they ruin the concert experience for others. But they also ruin their own day and gets thrown out. :doh:

I mean why? Only to be douches and get a better spot. Jeez.
It was smooth. Lines were smooth. Venue staff handled things smooth. I was there in `09 when it was a 'cluster*&^'.

Those that want to complain about lines and folks that ran them, those same people you complain about are the one's that assured shit ran smooth. They worked with U2 staff and venue staff to be sure the lines and every step of the process went well.

If it would have been 'just go by what the Rose Bowl posted and emailed'... there would have been total chaos both days. Bowl & U2 staff listened to reason, worked with the lines, kept things orderly, with GA line regarding where and when things were to happened. Got the wristbands and parking sorted out in the morning... every logistic was sorted. And it was a half dozen fans that made that happen.

So complain if you will... but the truth is it would have been worse than 2009 had those that lead lines hadn't gone way beyond the call of duty to be sure shit ran well.

If you know Nate, Naomi, Ava, Brad, Chris, Courtney... thank them. Don't berate them or their efforts.

Where was the information about wristbands at starbucks on Friday posted publicly? The venue issued email blast said nothing of the sort? How the hell are people supossed to find these thing out? If you say it was smooth, then I believe you as I have not read an horror stories. Just seems an odd way to handle this.
I'm confused as to how those people had anything to do with the rose bowl parking. This is not the first event ever hosted at the Rose Bowl...
Wasn't part of the Rose Bowl fiasco in 2009 due to two different groups starting lists? Not sure about the late afternoon fiasco, but maybe if they hadn't started lists so early, the early morning disaster part could have been avoided.

I'm laughing at the thought of them doing this as a sacrifice. They want to be up front and want to make sure no one else is first spite of U2's and venues stances on no overnight queuing. I wish they would just own up to it instead of claiming to have altruistic motives. As long as they continue to start lists 2-3 days before a show, I'll continue to criticize. And enjoy my show from the soundboard.
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It was smooth. Lines were smooth. Venue staff handled things smooth. I was there in `09 when it was a 'cluster*&^'.

Those that want to complain about lines and folks that ran them, those same people you complain about are the one's that assured shit ran smooth. They worked with U2 staff and venue staff to be sure the lines and every step of the process went well.

If it would have been 'just go by what the Rose Bowl posted and emailed'... there would have been total chaos both days. Bowl & U2 staff listened to reason, worked with the lines, kept things orderly, with GA line regarding where and when things were to happened. Got the wristbands and parking sorted out in the morning... every logistic was sorted. And it was a half dozen fans that made that happen.

So complain if you will... but the truth is it would have been worse than 2009 had those that lead lines hadn't gone way beyond the call of duty to be sure shit ran well.

If you know Nate, Naomi, Ava, Brad, Chris, Courtney... thank them. Don't berate them or their efforts.

Oh please. The 2009 Rose Bowl incident was 100% on security. It wasn't the self appointed list keepers that kept people from rushing the gate, it was the presence of actual security staff to keep the line an actual line.

The list starters don't do this for altruistic reasons. Look, starting a line overnight before a concert is one thing. But these guys consistently do it 2 days in advance then keep it quiet until all their buddies are on the "list". This leaves unconnected fans in the dark.

Now, the Rose Bowl this year, definitely had their shit together. They were organized in getting us into the stadium for which I thanked them.
Agreed. Glad I will never know how insane that rose bowl show was and that my fears for this past weekend were unwarranted.
Except in Seattle when different people were running the line, we were put in what could have been a dangerous situation where we were herded into pens with little organization and people who had gotten there in the afternoon were able to go ahead of people who had been there the morning. There was a lot of pushing and shoving and it could have ended badly. Those people didn't work with security and rejected help from experienced line runners and a shitty GA entry was the result.

While I have my issues with the list system (namely, that I believe U2's crew should handle it and have it be standardized), Nate, Naomi and the other line runners work very hard with security to make sure everything goes smoothly.
Don't be fooled. This numbering on hand BS does happen in Europe, case in point Dublin; Croke Park 2009 & 3Arena 2015. It's VERY annoying.
It was smooth. Lines were smooth. Venue staff handled things smooth. I was there in `09 when it was a 'cluster*&^'.

Those that want to complain about lines and folks that ran them, those same people you complain about are the one's that assured shit ran smooth. They worked with U2 staff and venue staff to be sure the lines and every step of the process went well.

If it would have been 'just go by what the Rose Bowl posted and emailed'... there would have been total chaos both days. Bowl & U2 staff listened to reason, worked with the lines, kept things orderly, with GA line regarding where and when things were to happened. Got the wristbands and parking sorted out in the morning... every logistic was sorted. And it was a half dozen fans that made that happen.

So complain if you will... but the truth is it would have been worse than 2009 had those that lead lines hadn't gone way beyond the call of duty to be sure shit ran well.

If you know Nate, Naomi, Ava, Brad, Chris, Courtney... thank them. Don't berate them or their efforts.

I wish I could bow at their throne, and heave praise on their greatness.
My friends wanted to go early Sunday. So we did. By the time we got there we where around 370s before 9am. They were surprised. I wasn't. The line was organized and did run smooth. So it was all good for us,however, there were some fans that where a little upset about doing what the RB stated in the email and yet people were already on the list before 8 am. Whatever, I had a great time with the nicest fans in the world and the best band as well!
The RB was organized because of the half dozen fans that had been working with U2 security and RB venue staff for a week to assure that 2009 didn't repeat itself.

The folks that started and maintained the RB lines should be thanked for their efforts, not maligned.

But hey, haters gonna hate.

Oh please. The 2009 Rose Bowl incident was 100% on security. It wasn't the self appointed list keepers that kept people from rushing the gate, it was the presence of actual security staff to keep the line an actual line.

The list starters don't do this for altruistic reasons. Look, starting a line overnight before a concert is one thing. But these guys consistently do it 2 days in advance then keep it quiet until all their buddies are on the "list". This leaves unconnected fans in the dark.

Now, the Rose Bowl this year, definitely had their shit together. They were organized in getting us into the stadium for which I thanked them.
I'm going to the show tomorrow here in Houston, what time should I lineup to help my chances on getting a rail spot on B stage..? You'll think 4:00-5:00 AM would do it..? I obviously won't hold you'll to anything, but anything helps.. THX
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