Random Music Talk LXXIII: Mayan Apocalyspe Never Tear Us Apart

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I wouldn't be surprised if IWB doesn't like Social D.
It's early, and he's probably out drinking those fabled thousand beers tonight, but my memory sucks, so I'm posting this before I forget.

Happy birthday, peefalicious.
You're being generous.


It's even more confusing for me, as she now says she hates things that I remember her specifically telling me she liked at one point. But yeah, she likes (or once did) Social Distortion quite a bit.

It's even more confusing for me, as she now says she hates things that I remember her specifically telling me she liked at one point. But yeah, she likes (or once did) Social Distortion quite a bit.

Well, my Dad mangles so many last names it's not even funny...and he's a smart guy....but he mangles so many now that I think he does it just because its become his thing.....so, part of me thinks IWB plays up her hatred of all things even more than ever, cos she's had that rep hung on her....but maybe she's just grown to hate even the things she once loved, who knows.

She'll set us all straight soon enough.
Social D would make it into my top 10 favorite bands of all time. I'm a lot more forgiving of white heat...etc than a lot of people apparently were, since they supposedly sold out, with "I was wrong" getting radio/MTV play (back when those things were relavent* I mean). And I guess somewhere between heaven and hell got ragged on for...something...I don't know what, it's my favorite. But yeah, I love me some Social Distortion.

*speaking of things that are no longer relavent, I am watching dragonball z because the last time i moved, I wasn't quite ready to part with all the shit I'd taped on VHS like 8 years ago and longer. I labeled the tapes poorly, but by a stroke of pure luck the tape I threw in while cleaning my room earlier begins with episode one. Lulz. I still own a VCR.
Well, my Dad mangles so many last names it's not even funny...and he's a smart guy....but he mangles so many now that I think he does it just because it's become his thing.....so, part of me thinks IWB plays up her hatred of all things even more than ever, cos she's had that rep hung on her....but maybe she's just grown to hate even the things she once loved, who knows.

She'll set us all straight soon enough.

I think you're right. Regardless, she's certainly accepted the dark side of the hippie force into her heart in recent years. Is she to blame, or the midi-chlorians? I know not.

It's even more confusing for me, as she now says she hates things that I remember her specifically telling me she liked at one point. But yeah, she likes (or once did) Social Distortion quite a bit.

You keep saying this, but aside from U2 and the dropkick murphys, you have yet to remind me of which bands these are.
I had a VCR up until about a month ago when the playhead got too dirty to rewind tapes :(. I'll get a new one right after I replace my PS3.
You keep saying this, but aside from U2 and the dropkick murphys, you have yet to remind me of which bands these are.

Essentially every other band. Your hatred runs strong. You're probably so full of anger that you even hate Minor Threat now because you think their music is for pansies.
Honestly, I think the funniest thing is watching the commercials from when I used to tape stuff. When I was in middle school I used to tape the re-runs of m*a*s*h because my mom would kick my ass if I tried staying up til one am to watch tv, those tapes still exist (in horrendous quality of course, but they still sort of play) but they're 16 years old. Local ads, movie trailers, and stores that no longer exist are hilarious for some reason to me. The new year's sale at Nobody Beats the Wiz? Haha!
Honestly, I think the funniest thing is watching the commercials from when I used to tape stuff. When I was in middle school I used to tape the re-runs of m*a*s*h because my mom would kick my ass if I tried staying up til one am to watch tv, those tapes still exist (in horrendous quality of course, but they still sort of play) but they're 16 years old. Local ads, movie trailers, and stores that no longer exist are hilarious for some reason to me. The new year's sale at Nobody Beats the Wiz? Haha!

Oh hell yes. I used to be really into WCW and I was going through some old tapes before we last moved and I found a tape of it I had and I mainly watched it for the commercials.
Essentially every other band. Your hatred runs strong. You're probably so full of anger that you even hate Minor Threat now because you think their music is for pansies.

I don't want to hear it. Know that you're full of shit. And now I'm seeing red, mofo!!!
Oh hell yes. I used to be really into WCW and I was going through some old tapes before we last moved and I found a tape of it I had and I mainly watched it for the commercials.

The movie trailers are kind of perfect for pinpointing a rough date of when I taped whatever. This is from 2002, I'm basing it off the Lilo and Stitch commercials.

And now I'm off to watch Raditz get it. I forgot Piccolo was originally a bad guy.
Essentially every other band. Your hatred runs strong. You're probably so full of anger that you even hate Minor Threat now because you think their music is for pansies.

What about Pansy Division?
Could someone find me a magical band that consistently sounds like the following songs by The Replacements:
"Unsatisfied", "Alex Chilton", "Bastards of Young", "I Will Dare", "Never Mind" and "Answering Machine"

That would be excellent.
The only reason I'd ever heard of Bakersfield during the captain toobing conversation was because of a social d song. Now I only have heard if it as a social d song and a place where laz went tubing and nsw made fun of him.
I don't want to hear it. Know that you're full of shit. And now I'm seeing red, mofo!!!

Shut your fucking mouth
I don't care what you say
You keep talking
Talking everyday
First you're telling stories
Then you're telling lies
When the fuck are you gonna realize?
I really have no idea why I still have only heard the albums from Sing the Sorrow on. I think I was always scared they were going to be that level of "hard" I don't really like.

But based on two tracks, this is going to be one of my favorite albums ever. It's early yet.
I like sing the sorrow. A lot. I heard a couple songs from the one after it, but that was about it. I only know the stuff from before.
I really have no idea why I still have only heard the albums from Sing the Sorrow on. I think I was always scared they were going to be that level of "hard" I don't really like.

But based on two tracks, this is going to be one of my favorite albums ever. It's early yet.

Malleus Maleficarum is going to destroy your world.

In a good way.
Commercial for aol. Hahahahahaha. I wish the compaq commercial had gone into details about the computer's specs.

Crap, apparently we just skipped way into the buu saga. post-fusion. Mindfucked.
I had heard "The Prayer Position" before, forgot how good it was.

This albums is just absolutely fantastic. Everything I love and more.
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