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This show is screwed. CBS just moved Survivor to Wednesdays at 8 PM. What's moving to Thursdays at 8 PM? The Big Bang Theory.

Dan Harmon's Twitter postings on this:

# @brianstelter Well, if CBS thinks I'm a big enough threat to send a terminator, the least I can do is prove them right.

# @billprady welcome to 8. Not a lot here but vampires and bones. I'll give you half of any viewers I find. Okay, more than half.

Only hope is that there's no overlap between those that watch single and multi-camera comedies. But I believe there happens to be a lot.

I totally did both shows, that stinks! Since "Big Bang Theory" isn't available with On Demand but "Community" is, I'll probably watch "Big Bang Theory" live and "Community" over the weekend.
Right now ABC is winning the comedy night with Modern Family & Cougar Town (Horrible title btw, for such a great and funny show). Anyone moving to those slots are going to hurt.
Well that was kind of a crappy finale.

The only not-stupid way out of this for Jeff is if we find out Britta, Slater, and Annie all were using him as a sort of fallback, crutch guy. I can believe that Britta and Slater got caught up and used him for their competition, and particularly noting Annie's deep....long....kiss with Vaughn at the start of the episode, that would make 3 for 3.

What really rang hollow though (and frankly astonished me that they avoided the feeling until now, given that nothing new about the tangled relationship web was introduced) was the Gary Stu quality in having Jeff in the middle of all these girls. Tapping into the latent Annie-Jeff chemistry with The Kiss has the side effect of basically removing the only other relationship (Annie-Vaughn or Britta-Vaughn) axis in the group. Now, everything's going through Jeff, the smart charismatic slacker who all the girls are attracted to. Uh huh.

Oh well, I got the Season 1 set preordered on Amazon. I'll give the writers the benefit of the doubt in regrouping and coming back this fall.
I think you might be reading too much into this, mobvok. The focus of the show isn't on romantic relationships, like some Ross and Rachel thing. It's about random and hilarious shit happening. They just tossed the kiss and that relationship stuff in there to appease, well, girls. Yeah, they probably could have not gone down that road, but all I'm saying is I don't think that should be what you take away from that episode. Or the show as a whole.

I just watched this, and thought it was hilarious.

1. There was an episode of Happy Days where a guy literally jumped over a shark. And it was the best one!

2. Dancing in your underwear/Taking air-conditioner repair/So you can get a job/Greendale's the way it goes

Why don't we go back to my place for a spot of slap and tickle? That means sex, if the lingo hasn't reached the states yet.
My name is Ian Duncan and I'm here to say
I'm going to rap to the beat in a rapping way
I've got a real big penis and I drink lots of tea
I think you might be reading too much into this, mobvok. The focus of the show isn't on romantic relationships, like some Ross and Rachel thing. It's about random and hilarious shit happening. They just tossed the kiss and that relationship stuff in there to appease, well, girls. Yeah, they probably could have not gone down that road, but all I'm saying is I don't think that should be what you take away from that episode. Or the show as a whole.

I just watched this, and thought it was hilarious.

1. There was an episode of Happy Days where a guy literally jumped over a shark. And it was the best one!

2. Dancing in your underwear/Taking air-conditioner repair/So you can get a job/Greendale's the way it goes


Why don't we go back to my place for a spot of slap and tickle? That means sex, if the lingo hasn't reached the states yet.

My name is Ian Duncan and I'm here to say
I'm going to rap to the beat in a rapping way
I've got a real big penis and I drink lots of tea


I can't wait to rewatch the whole series this summer. Fuckin' funny!
Ooh, good, this has been bumped up, can post in here now :D.

I wouldn't freak yet. We don't know yet where they'll take this whole romance storyline-we'll find out next season, I guess.

I liked the paintball episode, too, but for totally different reasons than I'm sure most here did :drool: :shifty:...

...ehem. Anywho-is there going to be a DVD of this season or something? I didn't get a chance to catch all the episodes (damn you, NBC, for moving it up against "FlashForward" :rant:!), so I'd like to catch up on what I missed. I'll keep looking online for the shows, though, too.

Ooh, good, this has been bumped up, can post in here now :D.

I wouldn't freak yet. We don't know yet where they'll take this whole romance storyline-we'll find out next season, I guess.

I liked the paintball episode, too, but for totally different reasons than I'm sure most here did :drool: :shifty:...

...ehem. Anywho-is there going to be a DVD of this season or something? I didn't get a chance to catch all the episodes (damn you, NBC, for moving it up against "FlashForward" :rant:!), so I'd like to catch up on what I missed. I'll keep looking online for the shows, though, too.


You can get it from iTunes, too.

I subscribed to the season.
I think you might be reading too much into this, mobvok. The focus of the show isn't on romantic relationships, like some Ross and Rachel thing. It's about random and hilarious shit happening. They just tossed the kiss and that relationship stuff in there to appease, well, girls. Yeah, they probably could have not gone down that road, but all I'm saying is I don't think that should be what you take away from that episode. Or the show as a whole.

I just watched this, and thought it was hilarious.

1. There was an episode of Happy Days where a guy literally jumped over a shark. And it was the best one!

2. Dancing in your underwear/Taking air-conditioner repair/So you can get a job/Greendale's the way it goes


This thread needs a good bump, so I'll follow up my pissy May review of the finale by admitting that recent follow up viewings of this episode on-demand have really improved my opinion of it. Still slightly marred by a few lines that came off too obvious (Shirley's reaction to Annie's reference of the hackey-sack pro, referencing the Dean's emergence), but the episode as a whole fits together pretty well.

Also saw....I think it was episode 109 again just today, and noticed the Dean's youtubing a shapely Dalmation furry. "Well, I sure hope this doesn't open any dark doors" :lol:
When the dean jumps out of the bush toward the beginning of the finale, the way he says "Hi!" murders me every single time.
There's a really quick scene in which someone drops a box of pencils (or something) and Abed real quick looks down and just says, "13". Friggin killed me. That and when he did that crazy monster walk when he was going to talk to some girl.

Not sure if I like this or Philly better as far as comedy goes.
Always Sunny is slightly more quotable, though that's more due to the fact that it's got five seasons than anything. They're both high quality.
Ahhhhh haha yes Community you have been missing from my life.

Lots of quotable lines in here-my favorite was probably Jeff's line about the true message behind 'Twilight'. And their take on the "Sh*t My Dad Says" stuff was great, too, as were the end credits. That bit cracked me up :laugh:. I'm so happy this show's back.

(Also, I just want to state that I am deeply envious of Britta. Thank you.)

It's great (for me, at least) how TPTB were able to use what I thought was unsatisfactory about Pascal's Triangle and spin it into authentic character development for Britta. I've been waiting for the episode to appear online, but in the meantime this clip is a treasure trove:

Community - Ep 101: No Need for Secrecy - Video -

Something about Annie's neurotic looks just slays me every time.
Wow. What a fucking stellar premiere episode. That shit far exceeded my expectations.

I didn't think the suddenly overused Betty White would actually be funny, but she was. Excepting the end credit sequence, which was probably my least favorite part of the episode.
I'll show you the tool that's most important to our survival. But, fair warning, it's my penis.

Also, the polar opposite reactions of Shirley and Annie to Jeff and Britta's engagement is just begging to be .gif'd.

And they followed that up with Troy's reaction to finding out that Jeff and Britta had sex on the table:


God, that was a great episode.
I was out last night, so I missed all the Thursday shows as they aired. Community, 30 Rock, Office, Sunny.

The first one I decided to watch on Hulu, just now, was Community. I'm heading out again here in a short while, so I won't be able to watch the other shows until tomorrow probably. But let me tell you this:

I seriously doubt that any of those episodes will top this one.

Did Community just become the best comedy on TV?
Great episode!
I love how they immediately dealt with last season and then managed to resolve it and blow past it.

And Ken Jeong? WTF?!?!?!?! :lol::lol::lol:

Shirley has lost weight, too. Pierce and I --> :drool:
Ken-yeah, you gotta love that guy. Will be interesting to see where they go with his attempts to be "part of the gang".

And Shirley's awesome, too. She's so bubbly and fun :).

So the other day I was looking through the latest Entertainment Weekly issue at our local bookstore, and it sounds like the show has a very interesting idea in mind for their holiday episode this coming Christmastime. If anyone's interested I could see if I can find the bit about it online and share it here.

I was out last night, so I missed all the Thursday shows as they aired. Community, 30 Rock, Office, Sunny.

The first one I decided to watch on Hulu, just now, was Community. I'm heading out again here in a short while, so I won't be able to watch the other shows until tomorrow probably. But let me tell you this:

I seriously doubt that any of those episodes will top this one.

Did Community just become the best comedy on TV?

After catching up with Community these past few weeks, I'd say it's hitting the mark more than 30 Rock and The Office (which had a surprisingly funny season opener) have been lately. Even Always Sunny's first two episodes felt kind of bland.

I'm hoping to catch up on Parks and Rec, Bored to Death and the dearly departed Party Down soon.
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