PGP: We're On The Bus and.. uh oh, are we going to THAT Place?!?! LOL

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It was cool to see that part on tv. I've watched it on youtube but seeing it bigger was neat.

I'd never seen the CN Tower at night before and to see it in person at the show was awesome :up:

Yeah, I've been to lots of night ball games with the roof open, but the tower has never stood out before, the way it did for the concert. Just gorgeous. :drool:

I'm not sure what to have for dinner tonight either, but that won't be for several more hours. It's either going to be potatoes or lazagna. Quick and easy, ftw! :hi5:

That's one of my problems, I'm always hesitant to buy frozen, premade stuff like lasagna, because I know that homemade is so much better...but that kind of defeats the purpose of quick and easy. :huh: Maybe I'll end up picking up something frozen, anyway.
That's one of my problems, I'm always hesitant to buy frozen, premade stuff like lasagna, because I know that homemade is so much better...but that kind of defeats the purpose of quick and easy. :huh: Maybe I'll end up picking up something frozen, anyway.

Definitely. I do love homemade lasagna, but it takes way too long. The frozen brand I buy is really tasty, so I try to ignore the fact that ingredients are probably ridiculous. :lol:
Okay, off to get (in order of importance):

-the dvd
-a bottle of merlot
-frozen cannelloni (the one store I shop at sells a kind that's not too bad)

Tty all later. :hug:

Eta - BASEball games, Wild. :wink:

eta again - Sarah decided she wants to come with me. She's getting ready, but she doesn't move too quickly these days. Now that I've decided I'm getting it, I want it Right. This Second. :scream: :panic:
Sounds delicious! :drool: See you later! :hug:

Dammit, I should have gone out and bought some booze for tonight. :tsk: :lol: I had it on my list of things to do today, but did I do anything? Hell no. :lol: At least I have a bit of vodka left, but I do need to stock up on rum and wine. Must do that soon.
OMFG, GIRLS!!!!! I just got the two-disc version for $13.99!!!!

I was WAY more excited than one ought to be, saving 4 bucks. :lol: It had to have been a mistake - that's the price they were selling the 1 disc version for, online.
OMFG, GIRLS!!!!! I just got the two-disc version for $13.99!!!!

I was WAY more excited than one ought to be, saving 4 bucks. :lol: It had to have been a mistake - that's the price they were selling the 1 disc version for, online.

Day-um! That's awesome! I pd $18 for mine. Maybe your salesperson just didn't have his/her contacts in.

:scream: I'm leaving for vacation at 8am tomorrow and my ipod completely CRASHED!!!!!!! I'm so pissed!
Thanks! All they seemed to have in were the 2 disc version (and they had a shitload of them). The guy walked me to them and I did a double take, and he asked if that's what I was looking for. There was no sticker on the cases, it was a tag on the shelf, and the tag clearly said 2 disc deluxe $13.99. I was all "score!" :lol:

I was going to watch it right away, but before I got it, i told myself I'd vacuum and start dinner first. I got home and it was too hot to vacuum, so I was going to skip it, but then I figured I'd better do it, and appease the cheap dvd gods,* to help my LN order will go through. :fingerscrossed: I'm just about to sit down to watch it now.

Zooey, sorry about your iPod, that sucks. :(

*eta - cause the cheap dvd gods may care about the cleanliness of my carpets. :wink:
That's awesome, VP! Good find! :hi5:

Oh man, zu. That sucks! Have you looked up ways to get it started again, or is it totally broke? :hug:

I restored it (erased everything off of it) b/c it wouldn't upload any new stuff - it would just freeze my whole computer. Then I tried to reload it and it froze about 7 times before i just gave up. I'm taking it in to the apple store when I get back. My guess is they're just going to say I can buy a refurbished one for $150 since that's what they said last time (I have a 30 GB 5th gen)

Thanks! All they seemed to have in were the 2 disc version (and they had a shitload of them). The guy walked me to them and I did a double take, and he asked if that's what I was looking for. There was no sticker on the cases, it was a tag on the shelf, and the tag clearly said 2 disc deluxe $13.99. I was all "score!" :lol:

I was going to watch it right away, but before I got it, i told myself I'd vacuum and start dinner first. I got home and it was too hot to vacuum, so I was going to skip it, but then I figured I'd better do it, and appease the cheap dvd gods, to help my LN order will go through. :fingerscrossed: I'm just about to sit down to watch it now.

Zooey, sorry about ypur iPod, that sucks. :(

I have to pack before I can watch 360 again.
Zooey, what was the deal with your sign, what colour, and where can you see it??? I just saw one during Mag, and it was neon yellow/green...

I got all excited and yelled "I think that was Zooey's!" lol
Zooey, what was the deal with your sign, what colour, and where can you see it??? I just saw one during Mag, and it was neon yellow/green...

I didn't have my sign out except for once b/c I knew he wasn't going to pick me on the video. You can see BonoFox1's sign during COBL. Her's says "Hi Bono" with a heart and it's bright yellow poster board.
I'm watching it again and up to Elevation - I can't hear this song now without thinking of the bassist!grin I got during this song the first TO show last year :heart::love:
I suddenly wondered if I should try to avoid DVD spoilers, but it seems a bit silly when I saw a bunch of shows. *L* Also a bit late now!

I'm almost annoyed that it'll take 2 months to get here, even if LN don't cancel the order....

I'm starting NLOTH for the 3rd time. First time it was interrupted by a phone call, second time by a long-haired cat poop emergency. :|

Not that I'm complaining, cause it's NLOTH. :drool:

Oooh, Ali. That sucks. Could you get the single disc in the meantime, if it's not too expensive?
Maybe it's a carrier-pigeon relay, Drea... *L*

Well, 2 months is the worst-case scenario, barring a cancellation... the email I got said they wouldn't get the box set in stock for 1-4 weeks, then the postage says it would take 8-24 business days to arrive here, so... :shrug:

I don't think I'm impatient enough to buy another DVD, but we'll see how I go! :giggle:

I have a couple of U2 fan friends in Melb who might get it sooner, and I could possibly see it at their place too... :hmm:
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