Pasadena Set List Party 10/25/09

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Tonight's Setlist:

1) Where The Streets Have No Name

Damn, Bono's voice is good tonight. He must be high, because he just said that it's 1990 while incorporating in into the "forget about the past, celebrate the future" aspect of the show.

I'm not sure why I derive so much pleasure listening to this show over Mikes when I have a perfectly good bootleg of it a few feet away.
:wave:Hi all

I`ve downloaded download helper to see if it will record the live feed.if I can get it to work!

Hope someone manages it. The next hour is going to pass very slowly................:hyper:
atu2 BTW, not my kind of music, but the Black Eyed Peas put on a good show. Crowd response was every bit as positive as it was for Muse.
Tonight's Setlist:

1) Where The Streets Have No Name
2) Mofo

Whoa, Bono's voice changed quickly.
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