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This may be kind of derranged, but I'd find it really hard to be friends with someone who downright dislikes them. They've been a big part of my personal development, and the morals and everything are a big part of who I am. SO, in effect, it would kind of be hard for someone like that to even like me. Even though I'm nice :wink:

That probably doesn't make sense and sounds totally screwed up, though.

In a writing class I took, I wrote 2 of the three papers mostly about them...I'm good at forcing assignments to work like that :lol: This kid I was talking to said 'I just want to punch that Bono guy in the face!' And I was all :angry: and asked him WHY...and he goes, "I don't know, he's just annoying!" I kind of told him off and made him feel dumb, and then avoided talking to him after that. Not a nice person!

I just make myself sound crazier with everything I say :doh: I swear, I'm a normal kid :lol:
No no no you're fine! :lol: You're just very passionate, and that's a great thing to be.

My friend who said all of that is a really great friend, though. He's very music-oriented. He plays a ton of instruments and his life revolves around music, so I'm not really going to judge him for not liking the one band I love. None of my friends really like them, so I'm pretty much used to it. One of my friends didn't even know 'Vertigo'! :lol:
Thanks, I prefer passionate to the word my mom favors...obsessed. And she does not say it nicely!

:lol: I remember when that song came out, I was 14 and everyone was like..."U2? Yeah, lyke omg, I totally love Vertigo!" And I was like *deathglare* :lol:

There was a girl who sat next to me in art in 10th grade who told me she couldn't stand them OR that song. I told her that she should try growing a brain.

She was basically evil, though...she was nasty to just about everyone and thought she was special for some reason. She put a sign that said "I love masturbating" on some girl's back. Seriously...grow up!
Our generation just doesn't know good music...or movies...or television shows

WOW. Some people can be so immature at that age. I would know :rolleyes: I start school tomorrow and on one of my binders, I wrote every U2 song that I could fit and put a picture of them from the 80s smack in the middle of the page. I want to see how people react to that. :readytodefendband:
I did the same thing!! I always decorated my books, and thoroughly enjoyed the looks, and the notoriety :lol: I think people thought I was fun though, albeit wierd.

Oh gosh, my 11th grade English teacher...he teased the CRAP out of me. His favorite was, if I was talking or not paying attention, he would yell "BONO!" or "NAKED BONO!" :lol: I always thought that was a little inappropriate...
:lmao: at your teacher!!!!! That's awesome!!! :lmao:

My 8th grade english teacher was a big U2 fan as well, and he'd tend to play music in class all the time. He'd play The Beatles, U2...whatever. I was always too embarrassed to tell him about how I was on stage, so I guess my mom emailed him a picture one day. He'd bug/ask me about it every day, hahaha! :D

And decorating binders.....:drool:......my favorite!
Haha, I'd probably bug you too :reject: Well, maybe just at first :lol:

Btw, a pic from the 80s gives the best effect. It deters the dreaded...*cringe* "they're old" comments :yuck: :crack: I've gotten a few "he's cute" comments out of that :yes:

I spend forever decorating those things. Each folder has an era theme. Holy crap, why am I speaking this aloud? I was too lazy last year, but I want to do it again :hyper:
I did a whole presentation on U2 for my Pop Culture final...after my presentation my teacher told me to stay after class (I thought I was in trouble)

Fortunately she said she liked alot, and asked how long it took me to complete it.
I said, "Well, I guess who could say I started researching the topic about 9 Years ago..."


I got the only A in the class!

I always write U2 lyrics on my notebooks when I'm bored, my friends are always like , "What are you doing? What song is that?" and I'm like nothing

I've had so many U2 embarrassments in schools and can't even go into it! U wouldn't know I was a U2 fan unless u asked me...but my obession reveals itself on occassion

:hi5: I have most of mine from over the years, because I get rid of nothing. Especially nothing like that. I will take pics :D

Not surprisingly, they include my favorite pictures of Bono :lol: :cute:
I'm starting to feel old, yet am glad to not feel like the little baby in the U2 fan community any more.

You guys start early! Our high school starts the 8th.
I don't think I'm gunna suffer from it, I know me...the first half of this year is gunna be freakin HELL ON EARTH with all this college stuff.

I'm so nervous about this process!


My BF doesn't seem to even want to b my friend anymore. She lied to my face so many times this summer...I don't even want to go with her to the U2 concert, cause evertime I say how excited I am she says, "Kelly you're so lame".


I don't freaking rain on ur God Damn Blink 182 Parade...
Wow, sounds like the story of MY life. My friend has always been my U2 friend. I brought her over to the dark (light) side, taught her everything...:lol: But seriously. She has lied to me so much in the past year, I really don't even know her anymore. We don't talk a whole lot...and best of all, she still owes me all the ticket money :| I was considering telling her to forget it and just going solo, but that made me sad...we've been friends a long time.

Your friend isn't being very nice...we should act as excited as we want...this is huge!
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