"Gimme Sympathy" CSGWs! (Creepers Unite Edition)

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I now have the Clubland tv on, I want to change the channel but I can't this song is the ultimate train-wreck, never has a dance song turned into a ballad turned into cheesy techno so quickly :lol:
:lol: What do you expect with a channel name like Clubland TV?

Innovative club music? I don't know what'd song like they all seem to use the same beat.

*Changes channel* Wow Single Ladies by Beyonce, can music get worse? No *changes channel* Scouting for Girls...go die *changes channel* I'm out of music channels :sad:
Today I awoke to the sound of thunder and flashes of lighting.


...is exam day.

I'm reading about the CIA's directions to Nicaraguan citizens back in the day to make Molotov cocktails and throw them at police stations. :ohmy:
:lol: Nope, just reading about them because they're mentioned in a song I'm writing about. Seriously, check this out though: Freedom Fighter's Manual

That's the manual the CIA gave to Nicaraguan citizens to fight the communist regime. Funny how those techniques are okay when fighting commies, but you know that if people did this kind of stuff to the U.S. government now, there's be hell to pay. :tsk:
:lol: Nope, just reading about them because they're mentioned in a song I'm writing about. Seriously, check this out though: Freedom Fighter's Manual

That's the manual the CIA gave to Nicaraguan citizens to fight the communist regime. Funny how those techniques are okay when fighting commies, but you know that if people did this kind of stuff to the U.S. government now, there's be hell to pay. :tsk:

Cassie you should know how the world works whatever America does is right, whatever anyone else does is wrong :yes:

Cassie if one were to possibly be uploading a torrent to a certain website would the tracker they use be the personal announce url found in upload section? :shifty:
Cassie you should know how the world works whatever America does is right, whatever anyone else does is wrong :yes:

Cassie if one were to possibly be uploading a torrent to a certain website would the tracker they use be the personal announce url found in upload section? :shifty:

:sigh: I know, but it still frustrates me...especially since most people don't know about all of the shady things we've done over the years. :down:

:yes: You got it. :wink:
:sigh: I know, but it still frustrates me...especially since most people don't know about all of the shady things we've done over the years. :down:

:yes: You got it. :wink:

The world is pretty aware of the shit we've pulled in South America. But every country has their skeletons. Am I saying it's ok that the U.S. does certain things? No, but they're not the only country that pulls shit is all I'm saying.
Bono or no Bono, fact is, there's a helluva storm brewin' out there.

lol, firefox says helluva is spelled correctly.

Helluva is a word now? :ohmy:

:sigh: I know, but it still frustrates me...especially since most people don't know about all of the shady things we've done over the years. :down:

:yes: You got it. :wink:

Yeah the US doesn't have a great reputation outside of the US, and you can't really blame that on anyone but yourselfs at times...

Maybe something might be going online then :shifty:
Cassie I tried to do a proper V0 rip because they seem to love those on the site, an album ripped at that that's 57 minutes long would be about 105mb right?
Yeah, that seems like it would be right. :up:

V0 is pretty much the only format I download, so good choice. :wink:
:lol: Yeah, 320 is unnecessarily big, in my opinion, there's not a huge difference in V0 and 320. If I'm going all out, I'll grab the FLAC, but unless there's no V0, then it's always that.
:lol: Nope, just reading about them because they're mentioned in a song I'm writing about. Seriously, check this out though: Freedom Fighter's Manual

That's the manual the CIA gave to Nicaraguan citizens to fight the communist regime. Funny how those techniques are okay when fighting commies, but you know that if people did this kind of stuff to the U.S. government now, there's be hell to pay. :tsk:

Oh dear god I've read some seriously terrible things about U.S involvement in South America. A few weeks ago I picked up a book my dad has lying around and they talked about the dictatorships in Chile and Argentina and the way they basically shocked the population with random killings and disappearances of anyone who showed "dissent," how they labeled them communists, tortured them, all to implement a completely capitalist system. It was scary, I couldn't even continue reading the book. :sigh:

...on a lighter note, Haiii everyone :p
Oh dear god I've read some seriously terrible things about U.S involvement in South America. A few weeks ago I picked up a book my dad has lying around and they talked about the dictatorships in Chile and Argentina and the way they basically shocked the population with random killings and disappearances of anyone who showed "dissent," how they labeled them communists, tortured them, all to implement a completely capitalist system. It was scary, I couldn't even continue reading the book. :sigh:

...on a lighter note, Haiii everyone :p

:sad: I know, it's so ridiculous.

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