My Girls - From the CSGW's

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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It's about 78 here right now :love:

I thought it was the warmest day ever yesterday when I went out and it was 45. I decided that I could walk around in a sweatshirt instead of bundled up in a coat with a hat and gloves. :lol:

78 would be amazing though! :drool: I'm so jealous. :)
I want snow, guys! Snow I can ski on! :sad:

And the new u2 video makes me want to get down on one knee and ask Bono to marry me.
And this is supposedly the unfinished version that got leaked! Makes you wonder how amazing this album will be.... and the shows :drool:

Emma are you excited for Washington? When do you go? Call me when you're here :D
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