Possible changes for leg 3

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Jan 22, 2008
If you're like me, you've been trying to squeeze as much as possible out of a fast disappearing summer and have been immersed in the Blackout the last few days while doing it. JT's 3rd and final leg crept up on us and it's time to start speculating what we'll see in Detroit and beyond.

Act 1- Pre Joshua Tree

I don't see this changing much in terms of length or what is played. We already know from interviews that 4 songs is as long as they wanted the "ants on a stage," no effects part of the show to last. I think SBS is an excellent opener and the first legs have seen the best performances of it since 1987. NYD, Bad and Pride have to be there if you're telling the story of how U2 got from their early days to JT. I'd like to see ASOH make some appearances but don't think that will happen until we get to Latin America and multiple nights in the same city.

I think if we get a curve ball here, it will be MLK coming back in or them deciding I Will Follow or Out of Control could work in act 1. They can't get too deep into the 1980-1984 catalog here- as the stated intent of the set is to highlight U2's progression to JT.

Act 2- The Joshua Tree

Self explanatory.

Act 3- Post Joshua Tree/politically themed commentary

This is obviously where we have the most potential for things to get shaken up. Do they decide to really kick the promotional machine into high gear and do Blackout, Little Things and Best Thing every night? Or play a different one of the three each night? If this happens, what gets the boot? The most likely candidate I'd say is Elevation. I think how much new material we see will depend on two things. First and most obvious is how much they want to look forward and promote SOE. Second is how set in stone they view the refugee-women's rights themes as represented in Miss Sarajevo and Ultraviolet. If either song is viewed as expendable, then that frees up more room for SOE.

It's extremely unlikely BD, Vertigo or One go anywhere.

Mysterious Ways is a wild card. Either they think it's expendable because it's missed very little since Zoo TV or they think it's been underplayed because it hasn't been a staple on JT 30 as of yet.

Does anything get thrown in that we haven't seen yet? If IWF can get tacked on sometimes, I don't see why OOC or Gloria can't. The band's love for Stay is well known. ATYCLB is also looked upon very favorably. Walk On would fit after Little Things. Kite would always be a welcome addition. Same for throwing in 40 as the closer.

I'd love to see this or something similar:

Beautiful Day
Mysterious Ways

Ultimately, I don't think much can change but looking at legs 1 and 2, the most evolution has happened here so who knows?
I definitely don't foresee changes to the main set. I'll be surprised if there's any shuffling whatsoever to the pre-JT set.

I agree there will probably be some tweaking to the encore. With the possible exception of the first few shows, I reckon Little Things is gone until the EI Tour. They will play Blackout and/or Best Thing. I'm sceptical either would be used as the closer, so One will probably take that role. But I doubt there will be many changes beyond this.

40 will be played in Brazil to end the leg.
I'd just like to add that I don't believe Elevation is going to be leaving the set. While I personally could do without it (and Vertigo and BD, for that matter), it clearly is a crowd pleaser. I saw the JT show in Cleveland, and the crowd really went off for Elevation. The entire stadium was jumping. It's a fun song, and people love to yell "HOOOOOOOO!" There's a reason it has survived as long as it has... the crowds really get into it.

I think it's possible "Ultraviolet" will be dropped in favor of Blackout/Best Thing. I agree that Little Things is done until next year's tour.

I'm also going to the Indianapolis show, and I'm bringing a friend with me who is a casual fan. And when I say casual, I mean it. He's the kind of fan who, while listening to the Best of 80-90, he'll skip "Bad" and "Unforgettable Fire" because he isn't interested in the "Deep Cuts". I've witnessed this. So I imagine this will be a good concert for him to go to, so long as he familiarizes himself with the 2nd half of JT. It'll be interesting to see if this concert changes his level of fandom any. It will also be an interesting experiment to see if implementing a new song into what is essentially a greatest hits show will get him excited about the new album or not
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I'm expecting the encore to have 2 or 3 new songs in USA. In South America probably just one, but who knows.
I'm expecting the encore to have 2 or 3 new songs in USA. In South America probably just one, but who knows.

I think it will be the other way around. South America might not get the new tour because there's a chance they'll go back to arenas, so I can definitely see them playing more than 1 new song.
I definitely don't foresee changes to the main set. I'll be surprised if there's any shuffling whatsoever to the pre-JT set.

I agree there will probably be some tweaking to the encore. With the possible exception of the first few shows, I reckon Little Things is gone until the EI Tour. They will play Blackout and/or Best Thing. I'm sceptical either would be used as the closer, so One will probably take that role. But I doubt there will be many changes beyond this.

40 will be played in Brazil to end the leg.

The only good Thing about the Internet is...........it doesn´t Forget any bullshit :applaud::wave:

like all your other predictions from the last 10years that never happend :wave::applaud:
I'm glad Miss Sarajevo was dropped. In the Chicago 2 show that went over like a lead balloon...people were streaming for the bathrooms. They didn't even keep it in for the KC show...it has yet to make its way across the pond from Leg 2.
Yeah, WTF? For once I pretty much nailed it.

But hey, cool, some random I've barely interacted with has a vendetta against me. Nice to know.
I definitely don't foresee changes to the main set. I'll be surprised if there's any shuffling whatsoever to the pre-JT set.

I agree there will probably be some tweaking to the encore. With the possible exception of the first few shows, I reckon Little Things is gone until the EI Tour. They will play Blackout and/or Best Thing. I'm sceptical either would be used as the closer, so One will probably take that role. But I doubt there will be many changes beyond this.

40 will be played in Brazil to end the leg.

The last Show is played. And the good Thing about the Internet.....IT NEVER FORGETS ANY BULLSHIT POSTED !!!

Axver your predictions failed again as all other over the last years please stop predicting please choose another Band because YOU have NO clue about U2 :applaud::wave::up:
What a glorious day this must be for you. I'm fellating a banana in your honour.
The last Show is played. And the good Thing about the Internet.....IT NEVER FORGETS ANY BULLSHIT POSTED !!!

Axver your predictions failed again as all other over the last years please stop predicting please choose another Band because YOU have NO clue about U2 :applaud::wave::up:

Yeah, the only thing that didn't happen was 40 closing.

Which, as he noted on U2 gigs, was the first time it wasn't acknowledged at all during a tour.

To say predicting 40 would show up for the first time at the last show of the tour was an educated guess on Ax's part would be the understatement of the century (right next to Republican senators saying Trump has "trouble with the truth.")

If asked yesterday before the show, I would've put good money on 40 showing up as the closer a la Popmart and 360.
The last Show is played. And the good Thing about the Internet.....IT NEVER FORGETS ANY BULLSHIT POSTED !!!

Axver your predictions failed again as all other over the last years please stop predicting please choose another Band because YOU have NO clue about U2 :applaud::wave::up:

Holy fuck, what's with your grudge against me? I've pissed off a lot of people on this forum in fourteen years but your vitriol about my predictions is something else - especially since everything in that post was correct except, as U2387 pointed out, the band's quite remarkable skipping of 40.

You're the one who looks like a clueless fool posting bullshit, not me.

Bet you're not even going to come back to provide a response, preferably an apology, but like you say, the Internet doesn't forget bullshit and yours will linger with that pungent stench of flaming shit.
The last Show is played. And the good Thing about the Internet.....IT NEVER FORGETS ANY BULLSHIT POSTED !!!

Axver your predictions failed again as all other over the last years please stop predicting please choose another Band because YOU have NO clue about U2 :applaud::wave::up:

He was right with all his predictions except for 40 being played...do you have reading comprehension issues?
Holy fuck, what's with your grudge against me? I've pissed off a lot of people on this forum in fourteen years but your vitriol about my predictions is something else - especially since everything in that post was correct except, as U2387 pointed out, the band's quite remarkable skipping of 40.

You're the one who looks like a clueless fool posting bullshit, not me.

Bet you're not even going to come back to provide a response, preferably an apology, but like you say, the Internet doesn't forget bullshit and yours will linger with that pungent stench of flaming shit.

Dude, did you sleep with his girlfriend or something? Your fans are almost as full of shit as mine ;)
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