8 MSG shows. Which ones best?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Nov 11, 2004
Okay -- white people problems. I went nuts and bought solo tix for all the shows. I live 10 min away from MSG and last time they where around I did same thing... I did end up selling 1 show as it got too much.

My wife and I just had a newborn to join her big sister. Anyway I just bought them knowing that i wouldn't go to all of them and this was before we knew if back to back would be real or not. It's not.

Long winded and I await the hate that follows but I'm a huge fan and I know this is probably last time in my life I'll be able to act like a teenager for a few weeks... Which shows would you choose or give up?

And yes my wife's parents are coming so I'm not leaving her alone. This daddy is very happy for no opening act and shows ending earlier.

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Give up the first show. I know a perfect destination for that ticket. :wink:

Honestly, no one knows beforehand which show will be best. Though they do tend to play it a bit safe for the first show in a city. But that doesn't mean a second/third/.../eighth night can't feel a bit uninspired.
Still, should you want to get rid of that NYC1 (or 3 or 4) ticket... :wink:
Nobody knows. And nobody will know until after the shows. There is no way of figuring this out beforehand so you'll just have to gamble.
It's hard to say with 8 shows at the same venue, but I feel like the last show is always so amazing. Also, the first because it's new and exciting. If it were me, I'd do the first two and last two. And if you happen to have any GAs for 5 & 6, I'd be happy to take those off your hands for you ?

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Impossible to know, but I like #8 for a guess. Last show of this NA leg, last show of 8 in NYC and a Friday night. Feels like a decent recipe for a looser show and maybe a few more risks (which on the U2 concert scale means maybe an extra song or a special guest for a cover in the midst of the same setlist...)
I have GA for shows 1 and 4. Does anyone here go non GA solo or just me?

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I'm going non GA solo though I'll have friends around me in the arena. I'm hoping #3 is an awesome night. Like others have said, we have no way of really knowing. I'm sure there are differences with the nights in LA and Chicago (picking those cities since a ton of shows).
Just like everyone else is saying, you never know - totally depends on the set list & crowd - and the band plays off of that. They will all be great, just for different reasons. You gotta keep #8 - last show for this leg in North America! I went to all 5 in LA and if I had to sell some of them, I'd sell one of the two back-to-back dates - just to spread it out a bit. They haven't been changing the set list up that much (just a few songs) so it probably doesn't matter from that perspective. If you decide to sell your GAs for #1 or #4, I'm interested in buying one! :)

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I have 2 tickets for three of the eight shows, and a single ticket for a fourth show. I just felt like attending at least one on my own, not really sure why.
It's hard to say with 8 shows at the same venue, but I feel like the last show is always so amazing. Also, the first because it's new and exciting. If it were me, I'd do the first two and last two. And if you happen to have any GAs for 5 & 6, I'd be happy to take those off your hands for you ?

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I agree with this strategy. By the time they get to #7, they're either going to be firing on all cylinders, or a little punchy - both of which would probably make for entertaining shows. Maybe throw in #4 or #5 just to feed your jones in between. (And sell #6 to ultravioletluvv. :up:)

If I could pick one to skip, personally I'd sell #1. That probably flies in the face of "opening night excitement" wisdom, but in my experience, the first show in a city tends to be a bit nervous, stiff, and "rehearsed". Popmartijn called it "safe", and I agree.

But what a problem to have! :drool:
If I had to choose one show to miss out of the eight NYC gigs, it would definitely be the first night. So far, Phoenix is the only city in which the first night's set has been superior to subsequent nights (though Vancouver I guess is a dead heat), and generally the band get looser as they go along. The first show in any city by any band is usually the one stacked with press, celebrities, and the like.

Didn't Montreal 4 have the exact same setlist as Montreal 3?

The only night this tour to have a setlist the same as another show was Chicago 1, which was identical to Montreal 1. The differences between Montreal 3 and 4 were The Electric Co./Out Of Control, Desire+Volcano/Elevation+Stuck, The Troubles/nothing, and ISHFWILF/40.
I also agree that if I had to ditch one show, it would be the first - likely everything played in that show will repeat at some point during the other seven, plus it tends to stick most to the script. And if I had to ditch two, I'd ditch the second as well - for times like NYC with eight shows, they will spread the reviewers out between two shows, so the second will probably also stick close to the usual.
I'll be going to nights 3 and 4. I'm very tempted to see if I can scrounge tickets for the last night.

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I'm seeing five nights and I'm actually quite happy night 1 is one of them; yes it'll be the 'standard' set but that's worth seeing once!
Does it really matter?

For 8 shows they should be playing approximately 192 different songs.

Do you think they are going to do that?

How many unique songs do you think they will play?

Give all your tickets to me...
Okay -- white people problems. I went nuts and bought solo tix for all the shows. I live 10 min away from MSG and last time they where around I did same thing... I did end up selling 1 show as it got too much.

Seats or GA?

The shows are spaced over 3 weeks so that might help a bit. I think the full song tally from the 5 shows in Chicago is the real test since LA was thrown off kilter with Dennis Sheehan.
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