Setlist Party! East Rutherford 1, 9/23/09

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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yeah, a show, and they're getting it. the entitlement here is amazing. When Hawaii got moved, I dealt with it. The band doesn't owe me a damn thing.

yes, but u2 didn't have as much advance notice as they did this time around. to not do anything when they first thought it might not go right was poor form, and probably cost many people a lot of money.


How was your flights to & from



really, really long.

I thought it was because of the Jets and Yom Kippur.

see above.
Hi I'm Kelly and I'm a U2 concertaholic . . . it's been 6 days since my last concert . . .


HI Kelly :up:

I'm Alison a u2 conceraholic, I attended 3 shows all while being technically unemployed. I also just looked up the cost of flights to Vegas. It ain't happening.. an addict can dream :|
Hello Everyone! Don't think I've ever posted before, but thought I might join in tonight. Die-hard Bruce fan and semi-die-hard U2 fan, but really don't want to do my homework and thought this might be a fun way to procrastinate and with the rumors swirling tonight seems like the perfect night.

Plus, I'm getting excited about my first U2 show of the tour in Atlanta in a couple of weeks!


Hi VP!!! :wave:

Seeing those pictures of the train station makes me glad I'm driving. I'm going to hit the road about noon, because I'm going thru midtown Manhattan, which will be a parking lot.
If it had cost me the amount of money it has some people, I'd probably feel like they owed me something, too.

Let's put it this way: I'm staying at my hotel in New Jersey an extra night cause the price I got allows for no cancellations.I thought I'd pick up a Friday ticket on a ticket drop or thru StubHub. Now I figure I might as well get my money's worth, so I'm going to sleep, read, play on the computer, etc., etc., then come home on Saturday morning!
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