Same band every night! Ugh.

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Nov 11, 2004
Forget the set list people -- it's been the same 4 guys for over 30 years. Boring. Bruce has played with like 100 different people. The Rolling Stones -- I mean there were at least 10 other people in that band.

The same 4 guys? Talk about STALE!

That lead singer is the worst. Need John Legend to really sing With or Without You the proper way.

And the drummer is horrible. Get me Lars.

Don't even get me started on that bass player? Doug?

The man in the hat, Edger, plays okay -- but I'd take Eddie Van Halen rocking Vertigo myself.
for a minute I thought you were talking about these guys


Trolling: Intentionally disrupting a forum by posting obviously inaccurate or inflammatory information and/or hoping to get a rise out of people. The perpetrators are known as "trolls".
Trolling: Intentionally disrupting a forum by posting obviously inaccurate or inflammatory information and/or hoping to get a rise out of people. The perpetrators are known as "trolls".

oh please. there is nothing of ill intent here. it's to lighten the mood a bit. if you think this of all things is trolling then you need to grow some thicker skin. what's inflammatory about this? is there anything in that post that's going to really set people off? no...
Just put Scott Stapp on vocals and it's good to go...
If you were a n00b I would probably ban you :wink:

In seriousness, I think its so amazing that they have been together for so many years. It's very rare that a band stays together for this long while also keeping the original members, and that they are best friends. I just think it makes the music that much more special.
If you were a n00b I would probably ban you :wink:

In seriousness, I think its so amazing that they have been together for so many years. It's very rare that a band stays together for this long while also keeping the original members, and that they are best friends. I just think it makes the music that much more special.

Alex James from Blur would be a good fit for bass instead of that dude with the ass tassels. Posh Brit with a former booze problem...same thing, really. :hmm:

But in all seriousness, the fact that they are still together and putting out music that is damn good says a lot for the band. Perhaps I'm naive but I take Larry's "when it starts to be crap, I'm done" to heart, and so far, it hasn't happened yet. So yay!
If you were a n00b I would probably ban you :wink:

In seriousness, I think its so amazing that they have been together for so many years. It's very rare that a band stays together for this long while also keeping the original members, and that they are best friends. I just think it makes the music that much more special.

yeah i agree with this too. the fact that they're bffffff's is pretty cool. same four guys, same idea, thick and thin etc. through all these years and all these different sounds too, kind of crazy to sit down and actually think about.
Love to see the love!

A big reason U2 has been together is humor. Glad it brings us together too (most of us).
yeah i agree with this too. the fact that they're bffffff's is pretty cool. same four guys, same idea, thick and thin etc. through all these years and all these different sounds too, kind of crazy to sit down and actually think about.

it really is impressive and underrated.
Forget the set list people -- it's been the same 4 guys for over 30 years. Boring. Bruce has played with like 100 different people. The Rolling Stones -- I mean there were at least 10 other people in that band.

The same 4 guys? Talk about STALE!

That lead singer is the worst. Need John Legend to really sing With or Without You the proper way.

And the drummer is horrible. Get me Lars.

Don't even get me started on that bass player? Doug?

The man in the hat, Edger, plays okay -- but I'd take Eddie Van Halen rocking Vertigo myself.

Yeah and they even reuse that same stale name. U2? Come on. What does that even mean? I'm gonna go listen to some snow patrol... at least that name gives me a mental image.
You're all wrong. Clearly, what this band needs to shake stuff up is me singing with them. Backup, duets, helping Bono with those pesky lyrics, whatever. I can do it. I'm a go-getter!

You're all wrong. Clearly, what this band needs to shake stuff up is me singing with them. Backup, duets, helping Bono with those pesky lyrics, whatever. I can do it. I'm a go-getter!


I've been thinking this for some time now. I'll make some calls. ;)

At any rate, if they really wanted to shake things up, Bono should pull what I saw Shirley Manson do when Garbage opened for U2:

(turns around to drummer)

"You fucking suck. You can't drum worth shit. Get the fuck out off my stage"

(out walks substitute drummer - oops, LMJ - who then takes the drum position)

Now THAT would shake up the band. For good.

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