My Setlist Party Experience: This forum is tainted

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Mar 29, 2005
Let me start by saying: I'm a big fan of posting in forums. The last forum I had the pleasure of posting in was a support group for people who let stupid shit bother them.

So I went into a setlist party all set to post tweets and join the conversation and have a grand old time. I was the first one to start posting twitter reports.

prbiker15 and dray9911 showed up. So did Clayton's Kitten and a few others.
They all started posting the tweets from Twitter. Then they started to post the setlist as it was being played. They didn't let anyone else post this stuff! They called this the plus one system. They said they did this in all the setlist parties. They even posted the setlist before the show was done! Then dray9911 let Purplereign start posting this stuff and U2fanatic4ever! So one guy let 3 people post this stuff and they called this "plus one"!

This guy had the gall to start taking over a thread!


dray taking over a thread

There may have been others, but dray9911 was the most vocal about it. The little "Mussolinis" had to get their proverbial "dicks in the pie".

Two to tango

Within minutes control of the setlist party was lost. And then scantly clad women was posted and squirrels bouncing on a ball! What has been seen cannot be unseen.

Of course, what would a cluster f*ck of a list be without two setlist parties?
Let's just add another! While prbiker was starting a setlist party on Saturday morning, dray started one on Friday. Friday? Twenty four hours before the show? Yep. Friday. Twenty four hours before the show.

Now we had 2 parties with like 100 people posting in them.
How many people were there? And to make matters worse, this guy dray was posting in both of them!

Here's an interesting video of dray taking over a thread

‪hitler dance video‬‏ - YouTube

What Time is it in the World?
This started to leave a bad taste in my mouth. I was so upset that the band I love had such uncool fans.

And that's what you get when you endure days of "setlist party" drama.

You deal with the "sock puppets"

I'm not trying to piss people off. I sort of like U2. I mean I'm kind of a casual fan..Do they really need this stigma following them?

What say you Bone-o?
yeah. i take shit over. left, right and center, bitches
I don't know... in Europe we prefer to have multiple setlist party threads. There is no order. Just anarchy. And I don't care how you do it in North America. It's just wrong!
I was not at the setlist party, but I STRONGLY agree that the 2 parties need to be abolished! what purpose does the setlist party serve??? If people can't show up to a party in person, then they should not be having fun by having an internet setlist party!! especially one that starts 24 hours in advance. :tsk:
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