How Come Love Is Blindness works as a closer, but MOS doesn't?

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nirniva said:
I honestly love MOS as the closer. :reject:

Same here, thought it worked great at my show. The crowd was into it, but at the same time it felt odd ending on a down note.
I understand it when casual fans who got tickets from their brother-in-law's coworker's nephew leave early, but it always amazes me when more die-hard fans leave early. At the Baltimore show, there were two or three guys in front of us on the outer rail, which meant they'd camped out all day. They also had their own homemade 360 Tour tshirts listing all the shows they'd been to---probably a dozen or more spanning a few continents. And they left after Streets! :ohmy: To each his own, I guess.

They might not have left the stadium entirely, but just went to the back to be in good position to get a jump on leaving when it was over - I've done that. Also while I have stayed to the bitter end on some shows, I have been guilty of starting to make my way out (you still hear everything) at the end of WOWY to get a jump on things... :reject: It's not because MoS is a bad song, it's because of 60-90000 people leaving all at once, leaving a few minutes early often saves an hour getting home...people are gonna leave during the final song regardless of what it is.
Love is Blindness is a better song, and it has one of the best guitar solos ever. And Can't Help Falling In Love closed Zoo TV anyway. MOS is a good song, but it's pretty ponderous and it's a downer. It doesn't have the release that LIB has. Or the campy beauty of ICHFIL.
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