Photobucket fail

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
"You have reached your storage limit.
To upload more images and videos, Upgrade to Pro."

Since when?? Ugh!! I guess nothing is free anymore. :sad:
No one else is getting this message?

I've deleted a bunch of shit but it still says I'm over the limit. :banghead:
Weird. I just looked at my account, and it says I'm using 29% of my storage limit. The limit thing is definitely new, as I'd never seen that there before.

ETA - I have 2082 images on my account right now.
I have multiple albums, how do you find out how many you have for all of them? Or do I have to do math :doh:
I have multiple albums too, but I did manage to figure out how to see how many pictures I have.

On the left side, under "share this album", look at album views, then click on "more stats." Then click on "my account" up at the top of that page. The number of files you have will be there.

Ohh thanks. I have 6120 files, and I'm 23 mb above the limit. Meh.
Well, I've had the account for god knows how many years. I've used it for stuff like ebay, myspace, etc. :sigh: Clean up time.
No way.

In fact, I am coming across them and like 'oops dont check mark that one..' :lol:
Open a new account. I have several. I think only one is full, but I kept forgetting the logins and passwords, so I'd just create a new one. :reject:

Oh damn :doh: I have another one.. now if I can just remember the log in.
If you go over the limit why not make a new account with a different name and put the overflow there? :shifty:

edit: hadn't read the last page until my post came up, got beat to it!
Same here. I just went to upload my UK tour pics, and it tells me that I've reached my storage limit. Odd, because it says I'm allowed 10GB, but I have less than 1GB hosted.

I'll give them a few days to sort this before moving my pics elsewhere.
I think I have the answer.

Myspace took over Photobucket and quietly imposed a 500MB storage limit, which is far below the old storage limit of whatever it was. Before I went on vacation I was not even 50% full, and now I'm at almost twice the limit.

I've been working on improving my old photo gallery on my personal website, so this looks like a good incentive to get that done. I have many times the space offered by any of the photo hosting sites, and it's not blocked at my office like Photobucket and the rest of them.
Myspace took over Photobucket and quietly imposed a 500MB storage limit, which is far below the old storage limit of whatever it was. Before I went on vacation I was not even 50% full, and now I'm at almost twice the limit.
It was 1 GB before.

Mine was 75% full, so when I found out about the new limit, I got stuck deleting A BUNCH of stuff. I feel REALLY bad for whatever folks managed to use the 1 GB previously allowed. :ohmy:
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