Need help with my new mp3 player

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Lemon Grrrrrl

New Yorker
Apr 11, 2001
Hangin' out by the state line turning holy water i
I decided to buy a cheapie mp3 player for Mr. LG and I can't figure out how to work it. It's from Fujilabs, and on the surface, it's pretty neat; 1 GB mp3 player, FM tuner, video, audio, jpegs, gifs. Trouble is, the instructions are impossible to understand (badly translated Chinese) and I can't figure out how to get songs onto it. Well, actually - the songs I have are m4p files and I guess there's no converter included with the Fujilabs software (or if there is I can't find it). So I downloaded a free converter - but of course in the fine print it says you can only convert 3 songs for free, then it's $29.95 to buy the software for unlimited use. I tried converting 2 songs, which worked and I put them on the mp3 player, but it only plays the 1st ten seconds of each song! :banghead:

Can anyone help? If you need more info, the product info is here.
Maybe it's the m4p DRM(e.g. iTunes) that prevents playing the whole song. Try to first burn the songs to CD, then rip the songs to mp3.
^If you're on a PC, Windows Media Player has a "Rip" command. Or there are tons of free rippers - e.g. "Free CD Ripper".
ntalwar said:
^If you're on a PC, Windows Media Player has a "Rip" command. Or there are tons of free rippers - e.g. "Free CD Ripper".

:bow: Thanks ntalwar! I (finally) figured out how to use the "Rip" command on WMP. And I think somehow the mp3 player was on an 'intro' setting, which is why it only played the 1st 10 seconds of each song. Somehow I took that off and now it's playing an entire song. I'm on my way to figuring it out!
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