do i want an 80 gb ipod or do i want an ipod shuffle

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hey wait. i just noticed that the headphone slot on the shuffle is used as a dock connector too. in other words, you have to pull the headphone jack in and out all the time...very smart business move steve jobs, very smart :down:
definitely an 80 gb. just for piece of mind, to be honest. i never worry about running out of space. i have 5500 songs and so much more room to go. putting videos on there is pretty cool too, even though i'd rather just fill this baby up with music.

i also suggest getting an alpine head unit for you car that is ipod ready. just plug your ipod in through the glove box, and control your ipod from your stereo.

good stuff.
because it seems like a bad compromise - the price is way too close to the 80 gb ipod.
U2Man said:
because it seems like a bad compromise - the price is way too close to the 80 gb ipod.

Then get the 80GB. I'd only use a shuffle if someone gave it to me. I hate the concept of "shuffling" my music and not even having a screen so I could see what's coming next and skip it. If cheapness is the only reason to consider a shuffle, just get a really cheap mp3 player if you need something light and portable for a jog or whatever and save for the 80GB iPod.

I personally prefer nanos b/c I like their size and the fact that they are flash memory. I typically have my computer with me at work or on trips, so I don't need yet another device to store everything.
Liesje said:

Then get the 80GB. I'd only use a shuffle if someone gave it to me. I hate the concept of "shuffling" my music and not even having a screen so I could see what's coming next and skip it. If cheapness is the only reason to consider a shuffle, just get a really cheap mp3 player if you need something light and portable for a jog or whatever and save for the 80GB iPod.

I personally prefer nanos b/c I like their size and the fact that they are flash memory. I typically have my computer with me at work or on trips, so I don't need yet another device to store everything.

it has to be an ipod of some sort, because i have converted all my music to wonderful 320 kbps aac.

yeah, i know. flash memory is likely to last longer than a mechanical harddrive.

this is a tough choice. i might wait til the end of the year to see if apple puts out something new :hmm:
If you're looking for a compromise in terms of price, think about looking for a new iPod on ebay. That's how I got my 20 GB one about a year and a half ago. It was right around the time color screens were coming out, but that didn't really matter to me, so I got the black and white screen. On ebay, I got a new iPod (still in the wrapped box with the full warranty), an iTunes gift card, and an iTrip (which turned out to be crap) for less than the iPod would've cost me at a store.

Between the 80GB and the Shuffle, there's no comparison for me. I'd get the 80 GB for sure, since you could probably pack your entire music library onto it and still have plenty of room for videos.
I have to throw my hat into the 80GB ring. I require lots of space on my iPod in case I ever get the whim to put everything I own onto it. :wink:
I have the iPod shuffle and the 30 gb video. I use the shuffle only when I go to the gym and I have to say the sound quality in it isn't very good. There's no comparison between the video and shuffle. If you demand audio quality I would suggest to get the video.
I love the little clip shuffle.. :love:

I love that the songs come in any way they want

but if you have all your songs in 320 kbps, the 1 GB of the shuffle might be too short for all the music you might have

I have like 170 songs... you can't put all your library, but they're the songs that have me grabed right now

it's still MUCH cuter than a real iPod, easiest to travel with, you just clip it somewhere, press PLAY and go :drool:

I don't get the "i don't like shuffling"... I find boring to know what's coming next when I listen to music... you can always no-shuffle on the shuffle, still
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pepokiss said:

I don't get the "i don't like shuffling"... I find boring to know what's coming next when I listen to music... you can always no-shuffle on the shuffle, still

It's just a personal preference. I've always been like that. I don't usually listen to music while doing other things. When I'm listening to music, I'm listening to music. Don't really know how to explain it. My eyes are shut and my heart races. I pick a song based on a mood I have or a mood I want to have. Often I switch to another song before one is finished. I like to choose what I'm listening to. If I'm just listening to music while doing chores or messing around on the computer, shuffling is fine, but then I play music off the computer so I don't need a special iPod for it.
Go for as much memory as you can. I agree that the price of the Nano is too close to the big iPods to accept the small amount of memory. My wife has a nano so she can run with it (the big ones have a hard drive and don't handle running well), but that's the only huge benefit I see for the nano.

Even if you can't fit all of your music onto an 80gb iPod, you can probably fit most of what you really listen to on there, making it phenomenal for long trips, etc. :up:
U2Man said:
will we see new ipods by this year's end btw.?

There is a possibility.

I'd wait until November or December to make a decision.

I have a 30 gig black iPod and it's more than adequate for me:

20 gigs of music (3900 songs)
6 gigs of movies (about 7 movies and other assorted videos)

If you want a real compromise, go for the 30 gig.
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