Survivor: Cambodia- Second Chance

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ONE love, blood, life
Jun 16, 2000
Blue State of Mind
Let's celebrate the beginning of Fall with a new season of Survivor! Tonight is the night! :hyper: Season 31! For the first time ever, the viewers have chosen all of the contestants. Should be quite the entertaining season. Can one of our Survivor peeps kindly post a pic/s of this season's cast? :wink:


Kelly Wiglesworth
Season 1
Survivor: Borneo
Previous Finish: Runner-up

Jeff Varner
Season 2
Survivor: The Australian Outback
Previous Finish: 10th place

Kimmi Kappenberg
Season 2
Survivor: The Australian Outback
Previous Finish: 12th place

Andrew Savage
Season 7
Survivor: Pearl Islands
Previous Finish: 10th place

Terry Deitz
Season 12
Survivor: Panama
Previous Finish: 3rd place

Peih-Gee Law
Season 15
Survivor: China
Previous Finish: 5th place

Stephen Fishbach
Season 18
Survivor: Tocantins
Previous Finish: Runner-up

Monica Padilla
Season 19
Survivor: Samoa
Previous Finish: 7th place

Abi-Maria Gomes
Season 25
Survivor: Philippines
Previous Finish: 5th place

Ciera Eastin
Season 27
Survivor: Blood vs. Water
Previous Finish: 5th place

Vytas Baskauskas
Season 27
Survivor: Blood vs. Water
Previous Finish: 10th place

Kass McQuillen
Season 28
Survivor: Cagayan
Previous Finish: 3rd place

Spencer Bledsoe
Season 28
Survivor: Cagayan
Previous Finish: 4th place

Tasha Fox
Season 28
Survivor: Cagayan
Previous Finish: 6th place

Woo Hwang
Season 28
Survivor: Cagayan
Previous Finish: Runner-up

Jeremy Collins
Season 29
Survivor: San Juan del Sur
Previous Finish: 10th place

Keith Nale
Season 29
Survivor: San Juan del Sur
Previous Finish: 4th place

Kelley Wentworth
Season 29
Survivor: San Juan del Sur
Previous Finish: 14th place

Joe Anglim
Season 30
Survivor: Worlds Apart
Previous Finish: 10th place

Shirin Oskooi
Season 30
Survivor: Worlds Apart
Previous Finish: 8th place
Thanks, Sicy! :up:

I'll be rooting for Terry, Jeremy, and Joe to do well. Terry was the Wayne Gretzky of challenges during his season. I'm curious to see if he's still "got it" after all this time.

I'll also be rooting for Kimmi. She's from my area originally and I did actually know her briefly through a friend of mine. They went to the same college.
I'll be rooting for Joe too. And I like Stephen. He's on my fb and does survivor blogs.

I HATED that abi-maria chick.. ugh.. I hope she goes first.
I'll be rooting for Joe too. And I like Stephen. He's on my fb and does survivor blogs.

I HATED that abi-maria chick.. ugh.. I hope she goes first.

Yes, I hated Abi-Maria too. :lol: But, the villains always add a little spice to the season.
So annoyed - cant watch tonight I have bowling leauge :lol: And Big Brother finale too. Will have to catch up on both tomorrow.
BB Vanessa for the win. Even though she's already rich from playing poker :angry:
Good first episode! :up:

Right off the bat, the first thing I noticed was Wigglesworth's face. I guess she spent some of that runner-up money on some plastic surgery. :lol:

Then, of course, Abi-Maria, despite her protestations, ain't never gonna change. She's still a mess.

I love Woo, but he's still clueless.
I'm pissed, though. My DVR stopped before they showed the scenes from the next episode, the voting breakdown and
parting words. :angry:
Vytas literally said he was a big threat and understood why they would take him out. I don't think he'll realize exactly why he went home until he watches the show. What a friggin' creep! :lol:

Voting breakdown isn't that suprising, the non-shelter building girls plus Jeff managed to finagle Spencer into their herd.

Abi-Maria/Jeff/Kelley/Peih-Gee/Shirin/Spencer - Vytas
Kelly/Terry/Woo/Vytas - Abi-Maria

That Jeff is exactly why you have a season like this. He's a great character that nobody remembers and has already delivered a bunch of entertainment and a big strategic play. :up:

Also, Shirin and Peih-Gee on the same tribe? I almost can't blame Vytas for wanting to thrust his junk near them. :drool:
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BB Vanessa for the win. Even though she's already rich from playing poker :angry:

Ugh. I mean, the winner was a pretty good player, but good lord was Vanessa impressive. A shame she couldn't snag that W.
I want Kass out first.

I just can't fathom how she survives her first tribal council on her starting tribe unless she finds an idol. The second they lose, they're going to look around at the most useless and untrustworthy person they can find and that sure as hell is Kass. Even if you think she's a number for you now, it's effectively pointless since she's unpredictable once a tribe swap or merge hits. Literally everybody benefits from removing Kass.

No surprise that Abi-Maria was another early target. I think she's 100% gone if Vytas hadn't been such a pervert out there. Completely useless in challenges, camp work and has proven to have not even been able to manage her anger one bit over the last few years. It would take an extremely fortuitous set of circumstances for her to land in the merge, especially with her tribe now looking extremely weak by cutting out one of their top alpha males.
Vytas's undies will obviously live on in Survivor folklore, though. :lol:

Thanks for the voting breakdown. Abi-Maria's won't last long if she keeps acting psychotic.
Yeah they edited that to make Fishboy look like an idiot for sure.

Yeah, the best was him sloshing around in that murky water looking for the idol. No way I'd do that. That shit looked nasty. Plus, at least be a little more stealth about it. He was the only one gone. The others knew he was looking for an idol.
Good first episode! :up:

Right off the bat, the first thing I noticed was Wigglesworth's face. I guess she spent some of that runner-up money on some plastic surgery. :lol:

I said the same thing :lol:

Also, Shirin and Peih-Gee on the same tribe? I almost can't blame Vytas for wanting to thrust his junk near them. :drool:

Oh no... you actually think they're attractive? :yikes:

Ugh. I mean, the winner was a pretty good player, but good lord was Vanessa impressive. A shame she couldn't snag that W.

If she would have won HOH she would have won for sure. Steve did deserve over Liz though. It's nice to see a fanatic of the game win. Another nerd! lol.

And dammit.. Abi almost went home. I was so hoping. She obvi didnt learn anything from her last season.
I mean, you figure they're going to have to take a second look at Abi-Maria if they attend tribal anytime soon. Are you really going to vote out Wigglesworth or Woo or Terry next? You'd be anointing someone from the other tribe as the winner already.

Shirin and Peih-Gee have some nice curves and a unique look to them. To each his own. The blonde idol finder, for example, doesn't really interest me.

Fishbach...I just don't even know. I think he just freaked out way too soon, but there's still time to turn it around. After all, his tribe has Kass.
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Gotta give props to Kelly Wentworth for securing that hidden immunity idol. That took some skill. :up:

We're watching the immunity challenge and at the exact same time, my wife and I both shouted at the TV "just grab it!". It was clear nobody was paying attention, everyone was focused on the big wobbly stick.
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