Survivor 33: Millennials vs Generation X

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Who is Muscles? :reject:

Who is Muscles? :reject:
dumb move to let it get to drawing rocks....stubbornness, or pride? or lose the game with a random chance? I would have flipped my vote for Hannah (she annoys me) to say safe. I uttered the word "stupid" as Jess tearfully made her exit. and David giving his immunity to Ken?? what was he thinking? I am ready to see him gone now. Summer = this seasons coattail rider. I crack up when she starts talking about her "game play" I am rooting for Ken or Birdcage at this point.

Hewson already showed you who Muscles is, but there is no Summer. Her name is Sunday. And yes, she's kind of a coattail rider.
Best tribal council. So dumb to let it go to rocks. On the re-vote I would have changed my vote to Hannah. Friggin fruit loop. And David is an idiot. I thought he was going to give the idol to Hannah.

I'm rooting for Ken Doll at this point.
Eh, I wouldn't call that one a wasted idol...things were pretty sketch in terms of whether or not Will was going to side with them. And it was ultimately played for the right person.

A part of me really wishes Figgy and Michelle had lasted longer. :sad:
Who is Muscles? :reject:
dumb move to let it get to drawing rocks....stubbornness, or pride? or lose the game with a random chance?

I approve of drawing rocks as it's the sort of move you make if you're actually trying to win this thing rather than prolong your longevity in the game which are entirely different things.

Granted, modern games are a lot more flexible in how they play out, so being on the wrong side of the road doesn't mean things won't change your way in a round or two, but I think there's something to be said for the idea of "If we draw rocks, we're the Final Five." instead of avoiding that in order to automatically last another round.

Tyson is a million dollars richer because he chose to draw rocks. So is Vecepia because of the way that scenario played out.
Yeah, but Birdcage was going home regardless, so the idol played for Fruit Loops was in fact wasted.

She had way more votes than Birdcage didnt she? She would have went if the idol wasnt played.
She had way more votes than Birdcage didnt she? She would have went if the idol wasnt played.

No, Probst only showed 4 votes for Fruit Loops and 3 votes for Birdcage, cause with only 2 unread votes, that was enough to have Birdcage fly the coop, but the 2 unread votes were both for Birdcage (shown during the credits, Will voted for Birdcage), so he was going home if no idol was played.
Again, they weren't certain that Will was going to be the fifth vote. If he doesn't vote their way, there would have been five votes for nerd girl and they'd have been screwed. It was a great time to play the idol as insurance.

I get what you're arguing, but it was not a slam dunk that he would vote for them whatsoever, especially after the sanctimonious crap that Ken pulled. They were one vote away from it being a necessary idol play and that's exactly the sort of situation where it should be used, regardless.
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Yeah, Will suddenly making like he's got hair on his balls or something is funny as shit.

Yup! Stomping his feet and screaming "I'm a grown up!".

He basically shot himself in the foot by going with the make big moves for the sake of having big moves on his resume- and then talking about it. Nobody likes him or trusts him now.

Adam is gonna take this thing. He's building up a lot of good will with future jurors.
Say it with me; Another wasted idol.

Yup. But at least all of the coattail riders are gone.

This season actually went by pretty quickly. No one's game has really stood out from the rest. They're all pretty evenly matched. Birdcage was probably the best player, but they wisely got rid of him.
Yup. But at least all of the coattail riders are gone.

It is definitely more interesting to see how well they are all strategizing at this point. And with coat tail riders being eliminated, the votes may be more spread out from the jury and no landslide. I now find myself rooting for Jay...even though he played his idol...I would have done the same thing...he is safe to see another day, he is good at challenges and a pretty smart player, and an underdog, which I always find myself rooting for. The scene with Adam and Jay discussing their Mom's was actually heartbreaking...
I have read that Adam's Mom has passed away since filming ended :sad:
Damn, another Season Finale is here. For the first time in a while, I have no idea who is gonna win. I guess the only person I DON'T want to see win is Bret.
Whoa tonight is the finale? I didn't realize we were already at the end. Lots of people left.

In place my bet on Adam.

That being said, wouldn't be shocked if David takes it- considering he's still there after being perhaps the least likely person to make it 10 minutes into the game.
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