Doctor Who and Torchwood

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Blue Crack Supplier
Nov 18, 2004
Los Angeles, California
I don't know if there was an existing thread for either of these, but perhaps by combining them the traffic will be a bit higher.

Some news:

* David Tennant is appearing on the Extras Christmas special, which airs tonight.

* Peter Davison's daughter has a prominent role in one of next season's episodes:


CUTIE pie.

* The Doctor Who Christmas special, Voyage of the Damned (costarring Kylie Minogue!!) airs on the holiday, and a very cool trailer is up on the BBC official site (click on 16 on the advent calendar to watch it):

* An episode in the next season of Who features the Doctor crossing paths with mystery writer Agatha Christie.

* Torchwood season 2 begins in mid-January with the episode "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang", which guest-stars James Marsters from Buffy playing a fellow Time Agent (the organization that Captain Jack previously worked for before meeting The Doctor and Rose). This should be pretty cool.

* Martha Jones will be joining the Torchwood crew sometime around mid-season (could these shows get any more interlocking at this point?

* Episodes in T2 will also include visits to World War I and the 51st century.

It's going to be a pretty exciting 2008, from the looks of it.
thumbs up to both shows! They're a bit crap, the writing is a bit shit and the special effects are a bit hokey, but hey - thats what Dr Who is all about! :D

I'm totally looking forward to the next series, minus Catherine Tate, i hope she isn't going to be as grating shite as she was in the xmas spesh!

tennant though. mmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm
Blink was great, but it was more standalone than true Dr. Who. The two-parter Human Nature/Family of Blood was one of the best episodes ever.

I'm still in the process of "acquiring" the Extras special so I can't comment more on that at this point. Anyone see it? Gervais + Tennant has me frothing at the mouth.
Lemonchick said:
Captain Jack :drool:


Gotta love it when I have a crush on a gay man who likes kissing girls......(ok John Barrowman is gay!!)

Captain Jack is pansexual........

I love Torchwood and it got me watching Doctor Who.

Have all 3 Series of the new Doctor Who on DVD and have preordered Torchwood.

I'm so happy that the new season starts this month for Torchwood!
lazarus said:

I'm still in the process of "acquiring" the Extras special so I can't comment more on that at this point. Anyone see it? Gervais + Tennant has me frothing at the mouth.

I enjoyed it. It was funny!!! I only saw it once over the holidays and I don't have HBO in Virginia anymore so I can't watch again.

Gervais played a monster and he was hideous. LOL!!!

It was so over the top and I was cracking up.
I'm addicted to Robin Hood (or more appropriately, Richard Armitage :drool: ), so I have watched Dr. Who and Torchwood upon occasion whilst waiting for RH to come on BBCa. I can't say that I've seen enough of either to know the characters or the storyline but they're entertaining.
I was meaning to check that out. Looked respectable.

Did anyone watch Jeckyll over the summer? That was pretty fun. Steven Moffat, who wrote some of the better Doctor Who episodes the last few years, was the writer of that whole series.
Russell T Davies' episodes of Who tend to divide fans right down the middle and some of the discusions about the perceived strengths and weaknesses of his offerings can get very heated indeed.

Steven Moffats output on the other hand, is almost universally praised, and for good reason, he consistently produces the goods, he even managed to make Blink, the (almost) Doctorless episode, the most compellng 45 minutes of the entire third season. Beautifully directed with rich characters and genuinely eerie villians along with a concept that was clever, yet concise.

Fans of Moffat will be pleased to hear he's writing a two parter in season four.
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I am definitely pleased.

And while this may dilute the powerful ending of School Reunion, apparently Sarah Jane Smith is coming back again.

There's also a rumor we'll see Billie Piper as well.

Strange, is there really a need to get so nostalgic only 4 seasons in? The show's doing fine without it, I imagine.
lazarus said:
I am definitely pleased.

And while this may dilute the powerful ending of School Reunion, apparently Sarah Jane Smith is coming back again.

There's also a rumor we'll see Billie Piper as well.

Strange, is there really a need to get so nostalgic only 4 seasons in? The show's doing fine without it, I imagine.

I don't know about Sarah Jane returning to Doctor Who (she's got her own series on Childrens tv produced by the same team) but Billie Piper is definitely returning, the notion seems to be she will play a pivotal role in the climax of season four.

You're not alone in your concerns about the show becoming too nostalgic Lazarus, its provoked a fair degree of anxiety amongst the online community. The show needs to remain forward thinking if its to survive, not get bogged down in the past (Rose already cast too long a shadow across season three for my liking, preventing Martha from really coming into her own), its important to remember that becoming far too introspective is one of the main reasons given for why the show declined in popularity in the eighties and was finally axed.
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Ok, I am bumping this thread back up because last weekend i went on a mad Doctor Who watching spree and am now thoroughly addicted! :drool:

I've seen the end of season two and the first two episodes of season three and have been catching up on season one since yesterday. How cool is this show? I love the mix of drama, comedy, sci-fi, et al. Still not sure if I prefer Eccleston or Tennant but for the moment, I'm just having fun catchin up on all the stories.


Okay, nice to see another new fan. How hardcore was that Season 2 finale?

And if you're already torn between Eccleston and Tennant, just wait for the two-parter Human Nature/The Family of Blood from Season 3. I don't think you'll be undecided after that one.

Has anyone been watching Torchwood? They've already started airing on BBC America if I'm not mistaken, though they're available on torrent sites anyway. I've only seen Episode 1 so far but it was pretty entertaining. James Marsters was great.

And DevilsShoes, I agree about Martha, though I felt she was getting there by the finale, and hopefully we'll see further development on Torchwood this season.
The season 2 finale was awesome! In fact, that was the thing that got me hooked on the show. Even though I didn't know the whole history of what had gone on between the Doctor and Rose, it was still very accessible and engaging. I kind of think that I like Tennant a little more simply because he was the first "Doctor" that I saw in the role, but I will admit that there is something dark and edgy about Eccleston in general that is also pretty cool. I have two more episodes to watch from season 1 and then it's on to season 2.

Am I going to have to start DVR'ing Torchwood as well? *whine* lol. May as well, I suppose, and just get it over with.
The second episode of Torchwood, "Sleeper", was much darker than the first, and was really well written, with some difficult choices made by the team members.

This bodes well for the new season.
Hello all Who fans
Just thought I'd let you know that they've been showing trailers for the fourth season in cinema's all across the UK for the last week or so. The link below is the best that can be found, qualities not too great but it does look very exciting, sent a shiver down my spine anyway. :)
They're definitely trying to make Ianto less stiff this season, which is nice.

Episode 3 was a bit of a rehash of last season's Out of Time, but still decent.

Next week looks GOOD.
Still working my way through DW season 3. I just watched three absolutely FANTASTIC episodes. Human Nature/Family of Blood and Blink. Holy wow. I almost don't want to keep going for fear that the next episode(s) will be a letdown.
Human Nature/Family Of Blood is probably the high point of the new series. Maybe The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances two-parter, but that wasn't as moving.

Girl in the Fireplace was great too.
DevilsShoes said:
Hello all Who fans
Just thought I'd let you know that they've been showing trailers for the fourth season in cinema's all across the UK for the last week or so. The link below is the best that can be found, qualities not too great but it does look very exciting, sent a shiver down my spine anyway. :)
Thank you for posting that! :hyper:

I've been a fan since 1988. Old version, TV movie, new version, love them all. Like the Brigadier said, "Wonderful chap, all of him!"

Really, really liked Eccleston. Tennant took me a little longer to warm up to, but I'm about halfway through Series Three and am really enjoying it. Really liked The Shakespeare Code and The Lazarus Experiment (poor Doctor, always getting slapped by his companion's mother! :lol: )
Torchwood is up to Episode 5, which airs tomorrow, I think. I wasn't crazy about last week's, "Adam", but I'm liking how John Barrowman is getting to stretch his acting chops more this season. I feel the high point so far is "Meat" (Episode 4), which really strengthened the bonds between everyone.

This week: A familiar face from Doctor Who joins the team!
I get so confused by the airings of this show (BBC3, BBC2, BBCA). "Reset" with Martha was last week and this week?

Which is why I like the internets.

There are a lot of Whedonesque elements/ideas battered about. "Adam" being a slightly tweeked rewrite of a Buffy episode, Captain Spike, Jack/Angel not being able to die, ever, at all.

Given some of the spoilers I've heard, there are more parallels to come. :huh:
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