Dancing With The Stars 12

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
Starts Monday.

The couples for this season’s Dancing with the Stars are:

1. Kirstie Alley and Maksim Chmerkovskiy

2. Mike Catherwood and Lacey Schwimmer

3. Kendra Wilkinson and Louis Van Amstel

4. Petra Nemcova and Dmitry Chaplin

5. Sugar Ray Leonard and Anna Trebunskaya

6. Ralph Macchio and Karina Smirnoff

7. Chris Jericho and Cheryl Burke

8. Chelsea Kane and Mark Ballas

9. Wendy Williams and Tony Dovolani

10. Hines Ward and Kym Johnson

11. Romeo and Chelsie Hightower
Still pretty "meh" about the cast list so far, but my family says that often and then we still wind up watching and enjoying (guess I'd rather have a season full of a cast most of which I'm not familiar with vs. a season where most of it's made up of people I'm not a fan of, like last year). Maybe I'll wind up finding a favorite, who knows :).

Also, can I just say I'd kill to have some of these girls' dresses? Seriously...

Holy cow!

Ralph and Kirstie really brought it tonight, and they are 2 of the 3 oldest dancers on the show!
I dont think I saw the same thing everyone else did with Ralph and Kristie. I didnt think they were all that :der:

I'm rooting for Kendra.. I think she can get better as the competition goes on.
I was pleasantly surprised by Kendra's performance. I also liked Ralph Macchio. Kirstie has been taking private dance lessons for a while so I dunno that that is really fair. I thought Wendy Williams looked like a tranny train wreck. It's too early to tell what could potentially happen. There were some pretty good scores for week one though!
I was pleasantly surprised by Kendra's performance. I also liked Ralph Macchio.

Yeah, Kendra wasn't too bad. And Ralph? He's kind of a cutie :cute:. I quite liked him, look forward to seeing what he does from here on out.

I'm also kinda interested in seeing more of Petra and Hines as well. And Sugar Ray will definitely have a fan base simply because, well, he's Sugar Ray :p. May not be technically great, but it was only the first show, to be fair, and he's still entertaining, so hey :up:.

Also, Chelsea and Mark are really cute together :). That's my sister's pick.

Kirstie has been taking private dance lessons for a while so I dunno that that is really fair. I thought Wendy Williams looked like a tranny train wreck. It's too early to tell what could potentially happen.

Oh, has she? Yeah, that is a bit of an unfair advantage if that's true, but eh, isn't there usually someone each season who has a bit of an unfair advantage or something? She didn't do all that bad-again, not anywhere near perfect, but still not too bad.

And Wendy...ehhhhhh, yeah, she can bring all the personality she can muster to any dance, like the judges suggested, and I don't think it'll help. Way too clunky. She's just a bit too, um, top heavy, I think, it doesn't come off very natural, her dancing.

Surprisingly, was rather entertained overall, though, there's some promising people, so yeah, I think I'll enjoy the season after all.

And ditto your comment about DVR, Carek-Chris Brown's supposed to perform on the results show next week, I thought I heard Tom say? Ugh. Definitely be fast-forwarding through that.

I am sick to death of hearing about Kirstie Ally in the press, on TV, Twitter, etc. I can't believe I've yet to hear anyone bring up Kirstie's dance lessons! Heh guess I'm on an anti Kirstie Ally campaign, doesn't it?!!
I knew he was going.. I dont think many people even know who he is, therefore less votes.
I missed most of it tonight. :( Anyone know how I can watch Kendra's dances?
Kendra Smokin' Mad at DWTS: "I'm About to Walk In and Slap Someone!" - E! Online

Kirstie Alley Gets Ink'd With "Unbroken" On Her Wrist
Kirstie Alley is one of the hippest 60-year-old actresses in Hollywood! The DWTS contestant, along with felling dancer Chris Jericho and pro Cheryl Burke, headed to Wilcox Tattoo after last night's show to get her first tattoo. Ms. Alley, who had the word "Unbroken" ink'd onto her wrist, looks as though she's taking the pain in stride. Even though she and pro partner Maksim Chmerkovskiy took a tumble during last night's performance, Kirstie remains all smiles! Tats all, folks!
Thank you, I did find it on ABC.com.

I dont blame Kendra for being pissed about the smoke machine. That was pretty ridiculous.
I know I don't blame her either. That was an awesome performance IMO. I'm really impressed by her as the show continues. She got ripped off last night in her scores.

My son had a smoke machine and I hated that thing! We discovered the liquid "smoke" juice had a weird smell, like vanilla and if you inhale too much it gives you a headache, burns your throat and eyes and makes you light headed. Not healthy. I always fear for performers who have to navigate or breathe in that nasty stuff. It might give a great look on a stage or set but I don't think it's healthy to inhale that stuff.
Is anyone as glad to see Wendy Williams go as I am? I've never liked her, she is hard to look at let alone tolerate her loud obnoxiousness. I think she looks too much like a drag queen. Why did they cast not one but two big girls on this season? I can tolerate watching Kirstie but Wendy just turned my stomach!
I made the mistake of watching her and Tony on Kimmel's show last night too. Ick made me even more glad she is off he show! We won't have to see her till the end of the season when they have the whole cast back together for the Finale. Maybe we will be spared and she won't be able to make it though! :hmm:
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