question on elections?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Aug 21, 2004
PA gubernatorial race.

Caught between a rock and a hard place for this election. Won't be voting for Rendell. Other choice appears to be winner between Lynn Swann and Bill Scranton. Lynn Swann is keeping pretty mum on issues and I think he is just going to ride the coattails of the GOP endoresement and hope that his celebrity and oppostion to Rendell will carry him through. I don't like Scranton's positions. I can vote for the minor parties, which don't have a chance in hell.

So far unless Swann opens his mouth and impresses me mightily,
I'm leaning toward one of the minor parties. At least it adds to their vote totals.

Goes back to my earlier posts. What do you do when you don't have a candidate you can COMFORTABLY vote for, let alone support fully? I feel utterly useless in elections.

(PS. If I were running, even I wouldn't feel comfortable voting for me.:wink: )
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