Pete Coors Has License Revoked For First DUI

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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 30, 2002
Edge's beanie closet
Well it is rather hypocritical to advocate responsible drinking then to go and drive while under the influence-even if it was just one beer as he claims. Would that be possible to register that-a man his age and size-after just one beer? From my limited knowledge it does change significantly with age too. I would assume what he had to eat would be a factor as well.

On the other hand so many other people still have their licenses after numerous DUI's. I assume it is his first DUI, the article doesn't state otherwise. If they are making an example of him (which I would believe they are), will it even matter?

DENVER (AP) -- A hearing officer has revoked the driving license of beer baron Peter Coors after ruling the executive was driving while under the influence of alcohol.

The revocation was reported in the Rocky Mountain News on Saturday. The hearing officer, Scott Garber, did not return a call.

The revocation decision followed two and a half hours of testimony Friday. Garber ruled that Coors, 59, did not stop at a stop sign and was driving intoxicated on May 28.

Coors said he had drunk a beer about 30 minutes before leaving a wedding.

"I didn't think I was impaired, otherwise I wouldn't have been driving," Coors said. The newspaper quoted Coors as saying he thought he "did a good job" of taking the heel-to-toe walking test in the dark.

He was given two breath tests. In the first, he registered 0.073. In the second, 20 minutes later, he registered 0.088.

In Colorado a blood alcohol count of 0.05 results in a charge of driving while impaired. A count of 0.08 results in driving under the influence.

Coors' spokeswoman Kabira Hatland said Coors was charged with driving while under the influence. A call to Coors' lawyer, Steve Higgens, was not returned.

In a prepared statement, Coors said, "I made a mistake. I should have planned ahead for a ride. For years, I've advocated the responsible use of our company's products. That's still my message, and our company's message, and it's the right message. "I am sorry that I didn't follow it myself." He has 30 days to appeal the revocation.

He faces a July 20 arraignment.

Coors took over as president of his family's company in 1987 and in 2000 was named chief executive of the brewer with 8,500 employees and $4 billion in sales in 2003.

A tall, silver-haired figure familiar to many as the face of Coors television ads, Coors was a political novice in 2004 when he decided to seek the Senate seat being given up by Republican Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell. He won the GOP primary, but was defeated in the 2004 general election by Democrat Ken Salazar.
I don't know why but Monty Python's joke about American beer and love-making in canoes is running through my head right now :wink:
Ive always been more of a Corona girl myself :wink:

As for the DUI I am completely against anyone driving who has been drinking beforehand. Had a near family tragedy years ago due to a drunk driver crashing into my oldest sister's car.
True story.

On the evening of the 4th of July, a cop was dropping off a drunk who I guess had been driving. I was going into my sister apartment and he asked me to hold the door.

The elevator arrives and as I'm getting in I hear the officer say:
"Now, we all drink and drive, but when you do. . ."

and the elevator door closed.

I was shocked that the officer would make such a statement, but I believe he was right. As long as there is drinking there will be drinking and driving. The problem with impaired judgment is that often it impairs your judgement about whether you should get behind the wheel of a car. How many drunk drivers seemed/felt "fine" when they got in the drivers seat?
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