how to tell if your child is a homosexual

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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 4, 2003
the West Coast
thankfully, Focus on the Family has given us all guidelines so you can start saving for "Straight Camp" or electroshock therapy when he becomes a teenager.

Helping Boys Become Men, and Girls Become Women

Is My Child Becoming Homosexual?
Before puberty, children aren’t normally heterosexual or homosexual. They’re definitely gender conscious. But young children are not sexual beings yet — unless something sexual in nature has interrupted their developmental phases.

Still, it’s not uncommon for children to experience gender confusion during the elementary school years. Dr. Joseph Nicolosi reports, “In one study of 60 effeminate boys ages 4 to 11, 98 percent of them engaged in cross-dressing, and 83 percent said they wished they had been born a girl.”

Evidences of gender confusion or doubt in boys ages 5 to 11 may include:

1. A strong feeling that they are “different” from other boys.

2. A tendency to cry easily, be less athletic, and dislike the roughhousing that other boys enjoy.

3. A persistent preference to play female roles in make-believe play.

4. A strong preference to spend time in the company of girls and participate in their games and other pastimes.

5. A susceptibility to be bullied by other boys, who may tease them unmercifully and call them “queer,” “fag” and “gay.”

6. A tendency to walk, talk, dress and even “think” effeminately.

7. A repeatedly stated desire to be — or insistence that he is — a girl.

If your child is experiencing several signs of gender confusion, professional help is available. It’s best to seek that help before your child reaches puberty.

“By the time the adolescent hormones kick in during early adolescence, a full-blown gender identity crisis threatens to overwhelm the teenager,” warns psychologist Dr. James Dobson. To compound the problem, many of these teens experience “great waves of guilt accompanied by secret fears of divine retribution.”

If your child has already reached puberty, change is difficult, but it’s not too late.

What's wrong w/ just encouraging positive traits that will make boys good people regardless of whether those traits are "masculine" or "feminine" , whatever that means

Let's make for damn sure they are not sensitive and loving, because God knows that is a gay, effeminate, girly trait that must be stopped at all costs
Nice article irvine.:up: (thumbs up to proving your point)

You know there are so many articles concerning "gayness" in society. And in 99.9% of them it is treated like a disease. I would like to ask people that write these articles what they would rather or a cancer patient.

I am not a parent but I understand the need to protect your child and want him/her to be perfect. But this "perfect" is societies perfect and is something I damn sure don't want to be.

I was and still am very fortunate to have a family that has always accepted me for what I am. I see now that everyone else is not so lucky.
What a scary website. It discusses homosexuality and child sexual abuse together implying that somehow it is the same thing.

In one of the sections it says:

4. Don’t leave your children of either sex in the care of teenage boys. Furthermore, don’t allow your teenage boy to baby-sit.

actually, i think it's all really rather funny.

look! more helpful tips!

Helping Boys Become Men, and Girls Become Women

How to Prevent Homosexuality
In his outstanding book Preventing Homosexuality: A Parent’s Guide, clinical psychologist Joseph Nicolosi, Ph.D., offers these guidelines:

1. Don’t worry about the occasional cross-gender behavior of your preschool child.

2. Become concerned if you see evidences of gender confusion or doubt in your child from ages 5 to 11. “[T]here is a high correlation between feminine behavior in boyhood and adult homosexuality.”

3. Recognize that most homosexuals “were not explicitly [so] when they were children. More often, they displayed a ‘nonmasculinity’ that set them painfully apart from other boys: unathletic — somewhat passive, unaggressive and uninterested in rough-and-tumble play. A number of them had traits that could be considered gifts: bright, precocious, social and relational, and artistically talented.” Tip: Discern whether your boy struggles with feelings of “not belonging.” If he does, seek help.

4. The father plays an essential role in a boy’s normal development as a man. “The truth is, Dad is more important than Mom. Mothers make boys. Fathers make men.… Girls can continue to grow in their identification with their mothers. On the other hand, a boy has an additional developmental task — to disidentify from his mother and identify with his father.”

This starts about 18 months of age. The father needs to be there physically and emotionally to affirm his son’s maleness for the remainder of the preschool years (and beyond, especially during puberty).

“A boy needs to see his father as confident, self-assured and decisive. He also needs him to be supportive, sensitive and caring. Mother needs to back off a bit. What I mean is, don’t smother him.” Tip: Single mothers may need to recruit a trustworthy male role model.

5. “The late Irving Bieber, a prominent researcher, observed that prehomosexual boys are sometimes the victims of their parents’ unhappy marital relationship. In a scenario where Mom and Dad are battling, one way Dad can ‘get even’ with Mom is by emotionally abandoning their son.” Give your boy what he needs — and get marital help.

6. Psychologist Robert Stoller said, “Masculinity is an achievement.” In other words, “growing up straight isn’t something that happens. It requires good parenting. It requires societal support. And it takes time.”

7. “Once mothers and fathers recognize the problems their children face, agree to work together to help resolve them, and seek the guidance and expertise of a psychologist who believes change is possible, there is great hope.”
Yea, In the how to prevent homosexuality section it speaks of Mothers make children, Fathers make men. ahhhh HOOEY. Im a mama's boy(and proud of it, lol) and I'm not gay. My father passed away before I went through puberty and My mother did a fantastic job with me(IMO).

What a crazy, fucked up little website.

“There are 800 known former gay and lesbian individuals today who have escaped from the homosexual lifestyle and found wholeness in their newfound heterosexuality.”

Yea, with enough tenacity you can brainwash 800 people into thinking the are chickens. But would we want to.

How about we brainwash terrorists to blow themselves up in open fields in the country instead of our crowded city streets:wink:
Irvine511 said:
Recognize that most homosexuals “were not explicitly [so] when they were children. More often, they displayed a ‘nonmasculinity’ that set them painfully apart from other boys: unathletic — somewhat passive, unaggressive and uninterested in rough-and-tumble play. A number of them had traits that could be considered gifts: bright, precocious, social and relational, and artistically talented.”

could be considered gifts?

sad that things like this, and far far worse im sure, circulate. this is disturbing because it is all under the guise of being reputable with quotes from PhD's and 'prominent researchers'.
Irvine511 said:

2. A tendency to cry easily, be less athletic, and dislike the roughhousing that other boys enjoy.

My older brother couldn't play sports if his life depended on it and threw temper tantrums all the time. And he's straight.

Both articles talk about how you must prevent your child from growing up to be gay. How about teaching your kid tolerance? :rolleyes:
I don't see why things like that even matter. I mean, of course it's significant to know the sexual orientation of your child, but there's really nothing you can do about it, and why would you treat him/her differently if you DID know? The only reason I can see for wanting to know is if your child is one of the rare ones that have ambiguous gender at birth and you have to just wait to see what gender he or she will assume. And even in these rare cases you'd want much better info, not "if he cries and plays with girl toys". Based on that criteria, my brother was a gay child....except he's not gay.
TheBrush said:
I am not a parent but I understand the need to protect your child and want him/her to be perfect.

I'm not a parent, either, but the "perfect" child to me is one that's happy, confident, and LOVED UNCONDITIONALLY - just as he or she is. :yes:
BluRmGrl said:

I'm not a parent, either, but the "perfect" child to me is one that's happy, confident, and LOVED UNCONDITIONALLY - just as he or she is. :yes:

the only good gay child is an unborn one.

Irvine, I'm sure you say that with bitter sarcasm, but even so.... :sad: It just doesn't reflect the general opinion here & it makes me so sad/angry every time you say it.

I'm not attacking you... I just hate the ignorance behind people who would make that statement with pride.
BluRmGrl said:
Irvine, I'm sure you say that with bitter sarcasm, but even so.... :sad: It just doesn't reflect the general opinion here & it makes me so sad/angry every time you say it.

I'm not attacking you... I just hate the ignorance behind people who would make that statement with pride.

NO, NO, Irvine absolutely wishes he wasnt born. No sarcasm, Irvines a very "straight" laced guy.:wink:
And these people (the one's who wrote the article) actually exist?

This isn't just simply wrong, but also discrimination on the highest level. I'm not athletic, I'm not into sports much, but last time I checked, I'm not gay.
Irvine511 said:
6. Psychologist Robert Stoller said, “Masculinity is an achievement.” In other words, “growing up straight isn’t something that happens. It requires good parenting. It requires societal support. And it takes time.”

Oh boy.:huh:
BluRmGrl said:
Irvine, I'm sure you say that with bitter sarcasm, but even so.... :sad: It just doesn't reflect the general opinion here & it makes me so sad/angry every time you say it.

I'm not attacking you... I just hate the ignorance behind people who would make that statement with pride.

i'm just kidding around, i promise.
This reminds me of a story my best friend, a gay man, told me. When he was little he preferred playing with his older sister and her dolls rather than with the guns and war toys his Dad bought him. His Dad was so threatened by this that he bought him a basketball and demanded that he play with it. So Dad came home the next day and my friend was pushing the basketball around in his sister's doll's baby carriage. Not to feed a stereotype about signs that your child is gay, but it's a true story and a funny one. He also grew up to be extremely manly.
That weirds me out. If all that stuff is true then my HUSBAND could have been singled out for gayness at a young age, as could have a lot of boys I was friends with when I was younger.
And I dont know about that whole asexual before puberty thing.....I was attracted to kids way back in preschool, and I remember liking to kiss boys when I was in kindergarten.
But I was a tomboy so I guess my parents should have been worried about me becoming a lesbian :rolleyes:
I would hate to see nice sensitive boys encouraged to not be themselves because their parents are worried about them being gay.
thats just sad
Someone needs to put together some brochures for the kids of these people, e.g.:-

(1) How to tell if your parent is a whacko

(2) How to cope with troubled parents

financeguy said:
Someone needs to put together some brochures for the kids of these people, e.g.:-

(1) How to tell if your parent is a whacko

(2) How to cope with troubled parents


'Have your parents been brainwashed by James Dobson - how to spot the warning signs'
Irvine511 said:

“By the time the adolescent hormones kick in during early adolescence, a full-blown gender identity crisis threatens to overwhelm the teenager,” warns psychologist Dr. James Dobson. To compound the problem, many of these teens experience

“great waves of guilt accompanied by secret fears of divine retribution.”

If your child has already reached puberty, change is difficult, but it’s not too late.

Religious fundamentalists, of any and all persuasions, that perpetuate this ignorant thinking have more blood on their hands
and have ruined more lives
than anyone's sexual identities or activities

When you support politicians that further this agenda

blood is on your hands.
joyfulgirl said:
This reminds me of a story my best friend, a gay man, told me. When he was little he preferred playing with his older sister and her dolls rather than with the guns and war toys his Dad bought him. His Dad was so threatened by this that he bought him a basketball and demanded that he play with it. So Dad came home the next day and my friend was pushing the basketball around in his sister's doll's baby carriage. Not to feed a stereotype about signs that your child is gay, but it's a true story and a funny one. He also grew up to be extremely manly.

interesting ... i never had any desire to play with girls things, though i remember finding girlish activities -- playing on the monkey bars, even jump roping -- a bit more fun than most organized sports. except for kickball. and then i found swimming, which i suppose is a bit of a gay sport what with all the Speedos, taught and toned bodies, and shaving your body once or twice a year. ;)

however, i was way masculine when it came to actual toys. loved my Star Wars, He-Man, Superfriends, and Transformers, and played lots of fighting games with the toys, and there were lots of guns and lightsabers and tragic deaths and daring rescues and general destruction and mayhem across this huge unfinished basement in the house in which i spent years 6-12. whenever we played pretend, it wasn't house but Indiana Jones or Star Wars or something, and that usually involved lots of guns as well.

of course, we could go into the phallic imagery of guns and *especially* lightsabers.
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